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Génesis 8:21-22

Génesis 8:21-22 TZC00

C'alal jun yutsil smuil c'ot ti matanal ta stojol ti Diose, xi laj yale: “J'ech'el xa, mu'yuc c'usi ta xcal ta soquesel ti banomil ta scoj smul ti vinique. Yu'un ta xch'iebal no'ox talel ti vinique, ja' no'ox ta snopilan ta spasel ti c'usi chopole. Ja' jech xtoc mi ja'uc xa ta jtubbe sts'unubal scotol ti chon bolometic jech c'u cha'al laj jpas avie. “Ti jech to oy ti banomile, oy to ts'unubajel, oy to sc'ajel, oy to siquilal, oy to xq'uixnal, oy to yorail vo', oy to yorail q'uepelal, lec xmal sacub ta x'ech' batel ti c'ac'ale.”