Luk 23:34
Koto Helo Le
Tisaseko biowalemo teko elelelc, Tisase Kotoko tc úle. "Aeyo, no to lioule le biowale molalekaikemi. Bofuyo! To hábomo weneno fifiyakeyo tekota bofuyo!" Teko úle. Wó, bo liou Tisasele heleale lileko, satu nóú lowane tc elele, toko likowó liabikoko.
Explorar Luk 23:34
Luk 23:43
Kawo tc kale. "Yo neleko mokeyu you komo. Melou komo, no yo fafuo bc fe teomokomo, yeketafi yeketafi you te bolele saomo!"
Explorar Luk 23:43
Luk 23:42
Fei liako teko koeoko tc kole. "Tisase, kimo no neno liouko hekaeko telelele saomo teikemito, yoko molalekaniko uke!"
Explorar Luk 23:42
Luk 23:46
Teko bc uwofuwo, Tisase tc iyeeko heliale. "Aeyo, yowo uwo neno kamo yomo tane!" Koeoko tc onuo hchaleale.
Explorar Luk 23:46
Luk 23:33
Eleae fe toleko, ya helo hí Nani Hale ya temo tc fe tolele. Temo fe toleko, Tisaseko ame teiyolcno teno tc i wealele. I wealeko, himolc fei fako tc i weo elele. Somo, Tisasele ka kau fiomo i wealele. Somo feito, héklikomae fiomo tc i wealele.
Explorar Luk 23:33
Luk 23:44-45
Ne wábuno héketewo, bíko wiya emielemo bo kekio kwitiko tele. Te feko te feko, alasio ne hluekono tewo tc fe íliale. Bíko neko teko kofoko teleto, tébele imo weneo tele áko boloo ae we mena bolookeoko bolooko wle fele. Boloo himolc tc weneo telele.
Explorar Luk 23:44-45
Luk 23:47
Lomo bo liou helo welifle, tekoko wanowo Tisase moso bo uwofule toko naneoko, Kotole hí tc tiosiko hé toko tele. Hé to teoko tc kale. "Ele liato, le biowale ekeyo! Ei, ókasosowo komo teme."
Explorar Luk 23:47