Matthew 15:18-19
The Passion Translation
But what comes out of your mouth reveals the core of your heart. Words can pollute, not food. You will find living within an impure heart evil ideas, murderous thoughts, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, lies, and slander.
Explorar Matthew 15:18-19
Matthew 15:11
What truly contaminates a person is not what he puts into his mouth but what comes out of his mouth. That’s what makes people defiled.”
Explorar Matthew 15:11
Matthew 15:8-9
These people honor me only with their words, for their hearts are so very distant from me. They pretend to worship me, but their worship is nothing more than the empty traditions of men.”
Explorar Matthew 15:8-9
Matthew 15:28
Then Jesus answered her, “Dear woman, your faith is strong! What you desire will be done for you.” And at that very moment, her daughter was instantly set free from demonic torment.
Explorar Matthew 15:28
Matthew 15:25-27
But she came and bowed down before him and said, “Lord, help me!” Jesus responded, “It’s not right for a man to take bread from his children and throw it out to the dogs.” “You’re right, Lord,” she replied. “But even puppies get to eat the crumbs that fall from the prince’s table.”
Explorar Matthew 15:25-27