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All Things New: Hope for a New YearMuestra

All Things New: Hope for a New Year

DÍA 4 DE 5

There’s just something glorious about a new day. Morning people love it—they wake up refreshed and ready to embrace whatever this new day has for them.

But not everyone greets the sunrise with glee. Some folks just aren’t morning people (maybe that’s you); other people are stuck in such a rut that morning just means more of the same bland life; and others are so distraught by life that the dawning of a new day fills them with dread that they have to go through another whole day.

And yet.

We can always rely on the morning. We can always rest in—or worry about—the knowledge that, no matter what has happened on this day, tomorrow will come. The sun will rise again.

This is the promise of newness that we read about in today’s scripture passage, that God’s “mercies are new every morning.” That means each day starts with a fresh mercy from God. We don’t have to stockpile mercies; we don’t have to hoard God’s grace. We get a fresh, unending supply, just as sure as sunshine.

Whatever kind of person you are—morning, noon, night, or no thank you—God has a fresh supply of mercy for you today. And tomorrow. And the next day. It never runs out because He makes all things new! And even when you feel rejected or dejected, you can know that it won’t last forever. There’s always tomorrow.

Make a plan sometime this week to watch the sunrise, and as you do, reflect on how God’s mercy is as fresh and far-reaching as those rays of sunlight cresting over the horizon. There’s nowhere it can’t reach. Let’s pray.

Jesus, thank You for the sunrise. Even when it’s covered by clouds, I know it’s there, reaching everyone and nourishing us with its rays. Thank You that Your mercy is even greater, even warmer, even longer-lasting, and is never clouded over. I accept Your mercy in my life today! Amen.

Día 3Día 5

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All Things New: Hope for a New Year

One of the core promises God gives us is that we do not have to live as our old selves—God makes us new! Explore this truth and discover the hope that comes with a new year in this five-day reading plan from Lance Lang and Hope is Alive Ministries.
