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John 3:16 - for God So Loved the WorldMuestra

John 3:16 - for God So Loved the World

DÍA 7 DE 8

What is the promise?

The final message we get from John 3:16 is what God has promised to those who believe. It is also important to understand what God did NOT promise so that our faith is based on truth, not lies.

For instance, God did not promise good health, wealth, an easy life, distinctions, prestige, and all of the trappings of success in this world. I find it fascinating that Christians are disappointed when they don’t receive those things. Those who preach that you should have these things and also preach that if you don’t have them, there is something wrong with your faith are teaching lies.

The Bible repeatedly tells us that we will suffer abuse, persecution, and afflictions and be hated by the world. We will be cast out and treated with disdain, and some will die on account of the faith we hold in Jesus Christ.

This might make some wonder why you would want to be a Christian in the first place.

It is because the blessings and promises far outweigh the sufferings, which are identified in John 3:16. This is the promise of God to those who believe. That they “…should not perish but have eternal life.” Not a bad promise!

We cannot measure this eternal life by what we currently know. If eternity was going to be “more of the same,” then who wants it? But the promises are for no death, pain, suffering, mourning, sin, and life in the presence of God. Furthermore, the Bible tells us:

"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him," (1 Corinthians 2:9)

There are yet more promises even for this life. God never said we would have wealth, but that He would never fail or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6). He promised we would always have sufficient for our needs (Psalm 37:23-26). And in all things God has promised to be faithful, doing what He said He would do.

So, we can take comfort and hope in God's promises, for they will come to fruition in His time.

Furthermore, God has promised that we will be perfect. Perfection is attainable through following Jesus and living His teachings. The pathway to perfection is based upon following Christ and receiving the promised Holy Spirit to guide, teach, lead, and transform us into the image of Christ. The promise of the Holy Spirit is still available to all who ask.

Finally, we must understand two more things. First, all of God's promises are a gift freely given through His grace to those who believe. Second, all of God’s promises come to fruition in and through Jesus Christ.

Prayer Point:

Pray that you may receive the promises of God through an improved understanding of His will, the words of Jesus, and by receiving the Holy Spirit.

Día 6Día 8

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John 3:16 - for God So Loved the World

This one simple verse (John 3:16) captures the essence of the Gospel of salvation that Jesus came to preach. It shows why Jesus came, what He had to do, who sent Him, God's promises to His people, and how we enter this salvation. It is a powerful lesson for all.
