Heroes of the Faith, Part 6Muestra

God Sees Us
Bible Story: Elijah - 1 Kings 17:1-24
Theme Verse: Matthew 6:33
Last time, we learned about king Solomon’s temple. After that, the kingdom divided into Israel and Judah. Later, king Ahab ruled Israel with his wicked wife Jezebel.
Because of their wickedness, God sent a prophet named Elijah to say it wouldn’t rain for a few years. During that time, Elijah hid in a ravine.
God always sees what we are going through even if no one else does. Nothing you do for others goes unnoticed. And God will provide our needs, and He does not need money or the normal ways to do it. God provided water for Elijah from a brook and sent ravens with bread and meat twice a day. Imagine a bird flying to you and giving you some bread!
Jesus said not to worry because God even provides food for the birds (Matthew 6:26), and in this story, God used birds to provide for Elijah. When the brook dried up, God sent Elijah to an unlikely place, not to a rich man but to a foreign widow. When Elijah asked for bread, she said that she only had a small amount of flour and oil left and thought her family would die after that.
Have you ever played a trust game where you fall backward, and a friend catches you right before you land on the ground? Sometimes God waits until the last minute, the day before you run out, because He knows that it will increase your trust and faith in Him. Elijah told her not to worry but to make him the bread anyway.
In the same way, Jesus tells us to seek first His kingdom and that He’ll provide what we need. (Matthew 6:33) Her flour and oil miraculously never ran out, and they always had bread to eat. If you ask, “How am I going to eat this week? Where will I get clothes that I need?” watch and see how God provides. Then tell a someone about it and write it down so you will see that God does not just provide food and clothing, but also life itself.
Later, the widow’s son got sick and died, and Elijah took the boy and prayed three times. You can pray for your unbelieving family and friends, not just once, but repeatedly. After Elijah prayed the third time, God brought the boy back to life! Hundreds of years later, Jesus died and came back to life and is alive forever. Even though our physical bodies die, we each have a soul that lives forever. Jesus said that the enemy, the devil, comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came so we can have abundant life. (John 10:10) Through Jesus Christ, you can live forever in heaven with God.
I trust that God sees me. God loves me and will always provide what I need.
1. Do you have a testimony, a story, from a time where God provided for you? Share it.
2. Why did God create me?
3. If God sees everything, he even sees our mistakes. How does one feel when caught doing something wrong?
Application to life:
Write the phrase, “Good morning, Lord God,” on a piece of paper and put it near your bed where you will see it when you wake up in the morning. This will help you remember that God always sees you. If you lack something this week, ask God for it. Watch how God provides and tell someone about it next time.
Acerca de este Plan

How can the heroes of the Bible inspire us to greatness? Join us in this four-day reading plan as Kristi Krauss motivates us with King David's discipline, King Solomon's temple, Elijah's spiritual vision, and Elijah's battle with false prophets. Don't be surprised if these testimonies transform your life.
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