Miracles and Our WitnessMuestra

Questions about Miracles
What kind of Bible would we have without Moses leading the people? of God out of Egyptian slavery, through the Red Sea, and into the Promised Land? Or without Elijah raising the dead and calling down fire from heaven?
What kind of Bible would we have without Daniel praying in the lions’ den and being unharmed or without the three Hebrew children having faith to be delivered from a fiery furnace?
What kind of gospel would we have without Christ healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, raising the dead, and giving sight to the blind?
What kind of early church would we have without Peter raising the cripple to his feet so he could walk again, then gathering the sick on beds and couches in the main streets of Jerusalem when they were healed, everyone?
What kind of example would Paul be without healing the sick, commanding the impotent man to arise, and casting the devils out of the fortune-telling woman?
What kind of Great Commission would we have without Christ’s command to cast out devils in His Name and to lay hands on the sick for their recovery?
Remove these promises and these miracles from the Bible and what is left? Nothing more than another philosophy or religion.
What kind of preacher or theologian opposes the supernatural in gospel ministry? What kind of preaching and teaching discredits the miraculous as irrelevant to the gospel message? What kind of missionary ministers abroad oppose the miraculous in Christianity today?
Without the manifestation of God’s power, what remains is a ritual of religious worship, a collection of dogmas and creeds, a philosophy of concepts that give no life, solve no problems, heal no sicknesses, and produce no new births in the Kingdom of God.
Let us embrace an unyielding resolve that the gospel with evidence shall be our message. We shall go forth and proclaim the gospel. We shall be witnesses with proof and reap a harvest of lost souls for Christ.
That is what we have done for over six decades in over a hundred nations. Throughout the globe, the signs and miracles that have confirmed the gospel we proclaim have caused multitudes of non-Christians to believe in Jesus Christ and to embrace Him as Savior and Lord of their lives. That is our mission: to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins.
God, I want to be the kind of disciple who proclaims Your gospel with proof. I want to see and experience Your power, Your promises, and Your supernatural presence.
This devotional plan was based on material from Miracles: Proof of God’s Love by T. L. Osborn. To learn more about Osborn Ministries International, please click here.
Acerca de este Plan

God wants His miraculous power to be continually in evidence in our lives. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so we could bring the good news to those around us, trusting God to confirm the gospel with signs and miracles to draw nonbelievers unto Himself. This devotional plan is based on Dr. T. L. Osborn’s book Miracles: Proof of God’s Love.
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