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God Is With You in the Unexpected (Pregnancy)Muestra

God Is With You in the Unexpected (Pregnancy)

DÍA 2 DE 3

The Door of Acceptance

Yesterday we read how God created a door from despair to hope for Hagar, as she faced an unexpected pregnancy. Likewise, we learned that God wants to invite each of us to come to Him in the wilderness of our troubles, to pour out our emotions before Him, to confess our sins, and to receive from Him forgiveness, covenantal love, and a better future through relationship with Him.

But sometimes, it can be hard to confess our sins or receive God’s love when we feel overwhelmed by feelings of shame. It’s as if our past decisions are always with us, reminding us of how we failed, maybe even convincing us that we no longer have value or worth. It can be hard in that place to confess and receive.

In Genesis 3, Eve found herself in that exact place. She had forgotten God’s instructions, was tempted and deceived, disobeyed God, and then was suddenly overwhelmed by her own sinfulness and brokenness. In shame, she and Adam hid from God and tried to cover themselves up with man-made, fragile leaves, so they were no longer exposed in their own eyes or in the eyes of God. But their attempts to cover their shame failed.

And yet, just like God would do with Hagar, the Lord went in search of Eve and Adam. He called out to them, inviting them to speak with Him and to stop hiding. After explaining to them what the natural consequences of their sin would be -- consequences they could not avoid -- God gave a special promise to Eve. God promised that a descendent would come from Eve who would one day defeat sin, Satan, death, and Hell … One who would free humanity from the consequences of their sin and restore them to a right relationship with God. (Later, the Bible tells us that the promised descendent is Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, who would secure victory through living a perfect life, dying a sacrificial death, rising from the dead, and taking His rightful place at the right hand of God the Father in heaven.)

After making this promise to Eve about a future hope, God does one more surprising act. He clothes Adam and Eve – giving them animal skin to cover their shame and nakedness. Through the death of an animal – foreshadowing the future death of Jesus – God clothed Eve and removed her shame, so that she could recognize that she was fully accepted by God, despite her past disobedience. She might not be able to avoid the consequences of her sin, but she could walk from shame into acceptance.

We see this same picture in Revelation 3. Here Jesus offers every one of us who feel shame over our sin -- who feel naked before God, ourselves, and others – His clothing. Jesus covers us with His perfection and gives us His right standing before God. Jesus washes us with His blood; clothes us with His sacrificial death on our behalf; and provides us with full acceptance in God’s eyes.

Revelation 3 closes with the invitation to open a new door – a door to the love and acceptance offered by Jesus. Despite our past sins and the shame we feel over our actions, Jesus stands waiting to accept us. All we need to do is invite Him in.

As you read the stories in Genesis and Revelation, how do you relate to Eve and her sense of shame and hiding?

How have you attempted to cover your shame?

What would it look like to invite Jesus into the places of shame and brokenness in your life?

As you close your time, what do you hear Jesus speaking over you? How is He inviting you out of shame and into acceptance?

Día 1Día 3

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God Is With You in the Unexpected (Pregnancy)

This three-day Bible Plan is designed to help those facing an unexpected pregnancy process their emotions and find renewed hope in God’s love. This plan is adapted by Suzy Silk and Avail – a non-profit organization that exists to empower women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or a past abortion.
