Daily Devotionals - JuneMuestra

Where Do Your Friends Take You?
When we read this text and understand the story, it is impossible for us not to understand that these men (some versions say there were 4) were friends of the paralytic. Because, even in ancient times, it is practically impossible that someone would make such an effort to pass someone through the roof if they weren't very close; They wouldn't do it for a stranger, right?
And that got me thinking: where do our friends take us? What would our friends do for us? And yet...what kind of friends are we? What kind of friend AM I?
Jesus could only heal this paralytic because of the faith of HIS FRIENDS. If these friends didn't have faith that Jesus could heal him, they wouldn't have made all this effort for Jesus to find him. Your cycle of friendships DOES matter in your life! They directly influence what you believe or stop believing; in what you do or don't do and where you go or stop going.
Choose wisely who will walk with you side by side. If you choose wrong, instead of being led to healing, you could be led to rock bottom.
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Devotionals available daily so that God speaks in our hearts! We all need time spent with Him.
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