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The Christian Jewish RootsMuestra

The Christian Jewish Roots

DÍA 22 DE 23

Hanukkah is another Jewish festival celebrated in the month of December that is mentioned in the Bible but which was introduced at a much later period in Israel’s history. The story of Hanukkah takes place during the 2nd century BC when Antiochus IV tried to force the Jews to assimilate into Greek culture - to the extent of prohibiting Jewish religious observance.

There could be no Jewish worship, no circumcision, and there was a practice of forced assimilation. The Jewish people, lead by the Maccabee family, revolted against this tyranny. After 3 years they defeated Antiochus’ armies and reclaimed Jerusalem in 164 BC.

After their victory, the Jewish fighters entered the Holy Temple, finding it in complete disarray. The Temple had to be cleansed and rededicated. The Greeks had littered it with pagan idols, sacrificed pigs on the altar, and defiled the Temple in every way.

When it was time to light the Menorah, the Maccabees found only one jar of Holy oil bearing the seal of the High Priest, Yochanan. The men were forced to light the Menorah in faith that this small amount of oil would last until more Holy oil could be prepared - it would take a miracle!

Through a miracle of God, the oil burned for eight days - the exact time it took the priests to prepare more Holy oil. This was the miracle of Hanukkah… God provided!

In John 9:5 Yeshua or Jesus identifies Himself with Hanukkah as the Servant who brings the Light. The center candle of the Hanukkiah (the nine branched menorah) is referred to as the “Shammas,” or “Servant” candle - the one candle that provides light for all eight. “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” [John 9:5]

We know that Yeshua had a very special relationship with the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah). It is believed that He was conceived during this season, and it is recorded in John 10:22-23 that Yeshua Himself-the Light of the World-was at the Temple in Jerusalem, walking in Solomon’s porch, during the Feast of Dedication:

“Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon’s porch.”



Día 21Día 23

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The Christian Jewish Roots

Jewish tradition speaks of 2000 years before Torah, 2000 years of Torah, and 2000 years of the Gentiles. Then the Messiah is to come and usher in a “sabbatical” seventh millennium. Today there is a great revival happening as Paul foretold. Gentiles are repenting of centuries-long anti-Semitism and again recovering Jewish roots. This short study titled ‘The Christian’s Jewish Roots’ is meant to create a vibrant love for Jewish people that is to be expressed openly by the church as God sovereignly pours into the hearts of every true spirit-led believer a revelation of His love for every Jew according to Zech.8: 23. 
