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Uncommen: Eye SpyMuestra

Uncommen: Eye Spy

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The Impact of Pornography on Relationships

Our bodies are like sacred homes for our souls. They are precious gifts given to us by God and are treated with the utmost respect and care. In 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, we find a verse about this: “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

Sadly, pornography can act like a foggy window, distorting the clear vision of the sacredness of our bodies and of the intimacy we experience. It’s a trickster, creating fantasies that stray far from God’s perfect design for sex and intimacy. This distortion can lead us down a dark path filled with sin and harmful behaviors.

One way this foggy vision affects our relationships is by leading to a sense of isolation and disconnection. Someone caught in the snare of pornography might sink deeper and deeper into it. A distorted vision leaves less time and energy for meaningful connections with others and with God. This leads to a lonely journey and can strain the most resilient bonds.

The fog of pornography also creates a fake sense of closeness, far from the sincere love and commitment to God planned for marriages. It can make us see others as mere objects for our pleasure instead of as beloved children of God. This skewed vision can bring about frustration, conflict, and disappointment in relationships.

As followers of Christ, we need to wipe this fog from our vision. We need to strive to honor God with our bodies and our relationships. To clear our vision, we can focus on God’s word. Seek support from trusted friends and mentors. Take practical steps to avoid pornography. God can help us move beyond pornography and towards healthy relationships that honor and glorify Him.

Did you know that the fog of pornography can dampen happiness in marriages? A recent survey showed that married men who view pornography tend to be unhappier in their marriages and feel less intimacy.

In a study on Sexual Behavior, it was found that frequent pornography use increases the chances of infidelity and divorce.


Have you ever experienced the fog of pornography clouding your relationships?

How can you clear this fog and protect your relationships from the harm of pornography? If this fog has blurred your relationships, what can you do to restore trust and intimacy?


If you or a friend are lost in the fog of pornography, I challenge you to seek help. Reach out to a counselor, a therapist, or a support group. Set boundaries for yourself and devote time to seeking the truth in God’s Word. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. With God's help, we can navigate through the fog and build healthy relationships free from pornography.

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Uncommen: Eye Spy

Daily devotions focused on scriptures remind us that in a world where pornography and human trafficking are prevalent, we are faced with a moral issue that goes against the teachings of the Bible. God's word reminds us to guard our hearts and minds and steer clear of sexual immorality. We touch on the exposure, habit, and consequences of porn and how it feeds the world of human trafficking.
