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Hall of FaithMuestra

Hall of Faith

DÍA 7 DE 7

Imagine waking up tomorrow morning, looking around, and coming to a sickening realization that everything you have ever loved is gone. Your entire family, everything you have ever purchased, been given, and even your health – all gone. What would be your response? What was Job's response when this became his reality?

Job was a man considered blameless and upright. He feared God above all else and his life was marked by unwavering faith. This is in fact what the Lord proudly tells Satan, bragging about His servant. This is the beginning of a season of suffering where Satan tests Job, convinced that Job’s faithfulness is rooted in how the Lord has blessed him.

Has it ever felt like your faithfulness was reliant on the Lord's blessings?

Job lost everything. He lost his sons, his daughters, his servants, his sheep, his oxen, his camels, and all of his possessions – yet he did not lose his faith in God. How does one respond to such a devastating and life altering loss? Job responded with worship.

“Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said: ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.’ In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong” (Job 1:20-22).

“In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.” How often do we charge God with wrong when our situation is fraught with despair? How often do we “curse God,” as Job’s wife begged him to do? You see, God notices our responses. He sees our hearts and attitudes in every moment and in every situation. He sees our faith when others mock it, notices our courage when the darkness surrounds us. The Lord is in the midst of every circumstance, and it requires faith to trust that He has never and will never leave our side.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive me for the moments where I have blamed you for my circumstances. I pray I always respond in a manner that is honoring and glorifying to you, remembering that you are always good and faithful. Renew my heart and mind, teach me how to trust you in everything. Amen.

Día 6

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Hall of Faith

The Hall of Faith from Hebrews 11 is filled with men and women of faith who dedicated their lives to a purpose greater than what the eye can see. We find their stories of strength in the midst of storms and faith in moments of doubt throughout Scripture. Over the next seven days, we will encounter their stories and witness the powerful ways God moved through their faith.
