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Actively Doing Your Part in the Great CommissionMuestra

Actively Doing Your Part in the Great Commission

DÍA 17 DE 31


You must deal thoroughly with your past life before you got born again and ensure that there is no carry-over. There are three words that Apostle Paul used in the text (Rom. 6:6-12) above that you must deal with:

1. Knowing this

2. Reckon ye

3. Let not

You must know what happened to you. The spirit that used to rule you when you were not born again does not have access to you again; it does not have any power anymore in your life. You can now say “No!” to that spirit. Apostle Paul said you should not yield your members to sin but to righteousness (God) and the truth, so that God can use you now that you are born again (Rom. 6:13).

Thoroughly deal with your past life: spiritual, mental, physical, and every other issue. There will be some things in your past life that you can't do anything about but leave in the hand of God. Don't say you want to go and confess to the husband of a lady who was your girlfriend when you were not born again. There is nothing you can do about that kind of past life. However, if you stole some books from the school library in secondary school and the books are still in your custody now that you are born again, return the books.

Find out how to handle your past life. There are some things (marital or social) in your past that you must know how to deal with in your current life. That is why God gave us pastors and the Bible. Seek counsel!

PRAYER: Lord, I receive grace and strength to deal with past reoccurring negative issues in my life. I declare that the devil has no way or any right to anything in my life any longer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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