God Speaks Muestra

As a community of believers, God calls us to have faith in Him, in His word, and in His promises. The Bible says that out of an abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If we truly trust God and have faith that He will come through, then our words will reflect our heart posture of faith.
Sometimes, having faith that God will come through for us is so difficult. Perhaps we’ve been let down before, we haven’t seen an answer to prayer, or we are still waiting for a miracle. I challenge you today to consider, what areas in your life has God come through for you already?
As I think back to my schooling days, I remember my HPE teacher asking our class to participate in a trust exercise. We were instructed to stand in front of a partner, fall back, and trust that they would catch us. Though it was scary to fall back and trust my peers, I had grown to know each member of the class well and believed they wouldn’t let me fall. My teacher didn’t do this activity with us on our first lesson together, he waited for the students in the class to build relationships with one another.
Trust can be especially hard if we do not know someone because they have not proved their character. But God has. Time and time again. Whether in that job promotion, a family member finding Christ, or the fact that we are here today, living and breathing on earth. We know God. We know His character is good. He has been faithful before, and He will be faithful again.
Hold on to His promises. Remember the acts of His faithfulness that you have already seen while you continue believing for your breakthrough. Declare His goodness, His faithfulness, and His promises over every situation in your life.
Prayer: God, thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You that Your plans are to prosper us, not to harm us. Lord, we ask that You help us to trust in You, in all situations. We believe that You are faithful and will answer our prayers. Thank You that we can place our trust in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Acerca de este Plan

Jesus said, “Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighbourhood and tell them that the Kingdom is here.” What is the “neighbourhood”? People that we can impact in our every day spaces and lives. Let’s read God Speaks and delve into the ways God speaks to us, and learn how we can apply this to our every day lives.