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Facing the Giant of AddictionMuestra

Facing the Giant of Addiction

DÍA 27 DE 30

Dealing with your weakness 

‘He remembered that they were but flesh.’ Psalm 78:39 NIV 

We all have weaknesses, but the ones we refuse to deal with: a) draw us magnetically toward the wrong things, b) give Satan a foothold, which quickly becomes a stronghold and c) schedule tragedy down the line. Be warned: your weakness can emerge at any time, including your closing years! What you fail to master now will master you later. That’s why David prayed, ‘Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth’ (Psalm 71:9 KJV). The Holy Spirit will repeatedly convict you before your weakness destroys you! Jesus told Peter: ‘Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers’ (Luke 22:31-32 NIV). God will continue to use you even while your weakness is growing within you! That’s because He’s long-suffering and merciful. He provides opportunity after opportunity to reach for His help. Jesus warned Jerusalem, ‘how often I have longed to gather your children together...and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate’ (Matthew 23:37-38 NIV). Think: when you repeatedly reject God’s mercy, what’s left? The inevitable consequences! ‘What can I do?’ you ask. Turn to God! He’s neither shocked by your weakness nor unwilling to help you. Confess your sin. Become an enemy to it. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you. Not only can He deliver you, but He can also turn your greatest weakness into your greatest weapon! 

Prayer Point:

Lord, You know my frame: You know how I am made. Thank You that You have provided Jesus, my great High Priest, who sympathizes with my weaknesses and understands what it’s like to be tempted. Lord, I approach Your throne of grace with confidence, asking You for mercy and grace today to help me hold firmly to what I know is true. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Día 26Día 28

Acerca de este Plan

Facing the Giant of Addiction

When we’re held in the grip of addiction, it can be difficult to see a way out. But with God’s help and strength, we can break out of the chains and find new freedom with Him. Read this 30-day reading plan from UCB to face the 'giant' of addiction with the help of God's Word.
