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Pathway to PeaceMuestra

Pathway to Peace

DÍA 14 DE 14


Moving Forward

“In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.”

Psalms 127:2  

Great stresses are alleviated knowing and embracing that God loves us, and that He has it – but arriving at this truth is easier said than done.  Most of us mortals require experiencing it firsthand, seeing before believing.  It doesn’t help that we dwell in a very loud world where it’s easy to become distracted and either forget or completely miss His work.  

Yet taking a step of faith that God has it by doing the things on this path that He desires, and seeking His purpose in all circumstances, creates a great weapon against the ravages of stress. 

And faith is oftentimes the fruit of seeing what God has done in the rearview mirror, things you know were His doing. They all tie together to weave a story of His loving and perfect intervention, and an outcome that surpasses our ability imagine.

Our journey will be imperfect and take time, but the destination completely warrants the fight. Even the Apostle Paul did not always do what he wanted and knew he should do. He artfully elaborated upon this in Romans 7. But he fought on, as he wrote in Philippians 3, to an amazing and glorious end.  

Remember, it is the valleys and peaks and the torrents and streams along the path, with God’s perfect company, that constitute a real transformation. Embrace it! His peace awaits.

God has it.  


1.  Recognize your stress

2.  Determine the sources

3.  Understand God’s take on stress

a.  Set our hearts and minds on Him

b.  Seek Him first

4.  Communicate deeply with God from the heart through prayer, and listen

5.  Connect with and understand God through devotion

6.  Establish balance

a.  His priorities

b.  Feed the machine

c.  Guard the gates

d.  Dethrone other gods and worlds

7.  Break chains

a.  Seek healing

b.  Forgive

c.  Be forgiven 

8.  Live for God, who will direct us on the journey – according to His view, His plan, His way

9.  Repeat

Remember, you can line up Bible Plans by topic in this app that will encourage and direct you on your journey.  And come back to this plan if need be.  You are prayed for, and please pray for those on this journey with you.  

What will you do to integrate the necessary steps to achieve peace in your life?  What needs to be given up? What areas of your life will require focus and change?  

Día 13