HEAL - God's Heart for Healing in MatthewMuestra

Serving While Grieving
Jesus had just gotten word that his cousin John the Baptist had been executed by Herod. Upon hearing the news, Jesus got on a boat to be by himself. He used this time of grieving to seek and be alone with His Heavenly Father. As the Son of God and the Son of Man, he was grieving and needed to be comforted.
When He landed on the shore, a crowd was there to meet Him believing he could heal the sick. Notice what he did when he saw them. He had compassion on them and met their needs. Even in his grief stricken state, He was others-focused.
Sometimes serving others while you are grieving or hurting is a great way to take the focus off of your situation for a bit. That alone has a healing effect.
1. When you have grieved the loss of someone, how did you respond?
2. Have you taken time alone with your Heavenly Father?
3. What might be the benefits of serving others while you grieve or heal?
Acerca de este Plan

This 30-day study examines the healing accounts of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. How did He heal, who, when, why and what can you learn from Him? Jesus' healing ministry addresses body, soul and spirit. This study may change the way you view healing, and most importantly draw you closer to our Heavenly Father.
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