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Networking Kills: Success Through ServingMuestra

Networking Kills: Success Through Serving

DÍA 6 DE 8

Serving Creates Value 

We live in a world where you can be famous for being famous. The popularity of social media influencers like the Kardashians are misleading us. What have they created? What value have they brought to the world? So, it’s easy to buy into the promise that “If you want to attract new clients, or build something, you have to make yourself visible.”  A few years ago, I booked a flight to Austin to spend a week at the South By Southwest music festival—hundreds of bands—with my sole purpose on finding new band clients. I spent loads of money, handed out lots of business cards, shook hands and met so many people. I came back to Nashville and never received one single new client from that trip. What happened? On reflection, I realized I missed so many opportunities to love and serve others that week, because my focus was only on me, my needs, my business, not on the needs, brokenness and businesses of those with whom I was rubbing shoulders. You see: "I was trying to make myself visible, but God wants us to make ourselves available."  Giving value lasts. Serving creates value for you and for others. 


Whether you are a creative, student, or business person, are you a person who gives value to others? Consider an example or two. Think about why building authentic relationships is a more desirable and satisfying approach to life. 

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Networking Kills: Success Through Serving

The key to finding success in life or a meaningful career isn't about who you know, but how you serve. That is how you can truly make a difference in the world—one person at a time. In this devotional, you will learn how you can change the world by: making yourself available instead of visible, giving instead of taking and losing yourself instead of finding yourself.
