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Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 9Muestra

Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 9

DÍA 30 DE 30

The prophet Malachi rebukes the people for disobeying God, for unfaithfulness in marriage and for offering blemished animals. He calls them to repent. Nehemiah returns in 416 BC, evicts Tobiah, and demands the people bring tithes to enable Levites, singers and priests to serve in the Temple. He stops Sabbath trading and Jews marrying pagans. He rededicates the wall. After he dies c.410 BC the Jews backslide again.

Note: In 334 BC the Greeks gained international power by defeating Persia. This led to an increasing use of the Greek language. In 277 BC, at the famous library of Alexandria, 72 Jewish scribes, in 72 days, translated the Scriptures (Old Testament) into the Greek language. This Greek translation is called the Septuagint and it includes some Apocryphal writings. This translation is an accurate source and has been used for many modern translations.

Día 29

Acerca de este Plan

Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 9

In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Nine of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled ‘From Exile to Rebuilding Jerusalem: 587 BC–410 BC’.
