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Luke 13

The Jews war unco siccar aboot the Sabbath: but they wad‐na enter Christʼs door: and they kent‐na God was whettin his sword to destroy them.
1And thar war some thar, at yon time, tellin him oʼ the men oʼ Galilee, whase blude Pilate had minglʼt wiʼ their sacrifeeces.
2And answerin, quoʼ he to them, “Think ye that these men oʼ Galilee bude be sinners #13:2 God disna aye ding sinners iʼ this warld: thoʼ he reserves a richt to do it gin he please. Dauvid was sair fashed wiʼ seein the prosperitie oʼ the wicked; but in Godʼs Hoose he understude it better (Ps. lxxiii. 17): and the Jews had aye this faut oʼ judgin by the sicht oʼ their ain een. Lat ilka man tak tent!aboon the lave oʼ Galilee, for that they dreed thir things?
3“Na, I tell ye! but gin ye repent‐na, in siclike mainner sal ye be destroyʼt.
4“Or, thae auchteen, the tooer iʼ Siloam fell on, and killed them — think ye they war ill‐deedie anes aboon aʼ the men iʼ Jerusalem?
5“Na, I tell ye: but gin ye repent‐na, in siclike mainner sal ye be destroyʼt.”
6And he spak this parable: “A particular man had a fig‐tree plantit iʼ his vine‐yaird; and he cam, lookin for frute onʼt, and naething faund.
7“Than he said to his vine‐dresser, ‘Look! for thrie year hae I come, seekin for frute on this fig‐tree, yet find I nane: lat it be cuttit doon! Why soud it tak up the grunʼ?’
8“But he answerin, says till him, ‘Maister! lat it bide this ae year mair, till whatna time I can delve aboot it, and dung it.
9“ ‘And gin it bear frute thar‐eftir, weel; gif it disna, ye sal hae it cuttit‐doon!’ ”
10And he was teachin in ane oʼ the kirks, on the Sabbath‐day,
11And see! a wumman, haein a spirit oʼ fecklessness, auchteen year; and she was cruppen‐thegither, and coudna in onygate lift up hersel.
12And seein her, Jesus spak oot, and said to her, “Wumman! ye are lowsed frae yer fecklessness!”
13And he laid his hauns on her; and at ance she was strauchtit; and gied praises to God.
14But the kirk‐ruler answerin (being angry that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath‐day), said to the thrang, “There are sax days to work in; on them, than, come for healin, but no on the Sabbath‐day!”
15But the Lord answerʼt him, and said, “Ye pretenders! disna ilk ane oʼ ye lowse his ox or his ass frae the tether on the Sabbath day, and lead it awa to drink?
16“And soudna this wumman — she a dochter oʼ Abraʼm, bund oʼ Sautan thir auchteen year — be lowsed frae this fetter on the Sabbath‐day?”
17And whan he was sayin thir things, aʼ wha war settin their sels again him were shamed, and aʼ the folk rejoiced ower the glorious warks dune by him.
18And sae he said, “Like to what is the Kingdom oʼ God? and to what may I even it?
19“It is like to a seed oʼ the mustard, that a man took, and cuist intil his gairden; and it grew, and cam to be a great tree, and the burdies oʼ the air beildit in its branches.”
20And than too, he said, “To what sal I even the Kingdom oʼ God?
21“It is like the risin‐dough a wumman took, and pat awa in thrie firlots oʼ meal, till what time the hail oʼt was risen.”
22And he was gaun on his way, throwe citie by citie, and village by village, teachin and journeyin on to Jerusalem.
23And ane says to him, “Lord! are thar but a wheen that wull be saved?”
24But he said to him, “Be ye warslin to win in at the stret yett! for mony, I say tʼye, wull fain be gaun in, and winna be able.
25“Frae the time the gudeman may rise and steek the door — and ye begin to staun withoot, and to chap at the door, cryin, ‘Lord! open ye to us!’ and, answerin, he sal say, ‘I ken ye na, nor whaur ye are frae!’
26“Than wull ye begin to say, ‘We did eat and drink afore ye; and on oor causeys did ye teach!’
27“And he wull say, ‘I tell ye, I ken‐na whaur ye are frae! depairt frae me aʼ ye doers oʼ unrighteousness!’
28“Thar sal be maenin and girnin, whan ye see Abraʼm and Isaac, and Jaucob, and aʼ the prophets, iʼ the Kingdom oʼ God, and ye yersels cuisten oot!
29“Whan they sal hae come frae the east and frae the wast, and frae the north and the sooth; and sit doon iʼ the Kingdom oʼ God!
30“And tent ye! some are hinmaist that sal be foremaist; and some are foremaist that sal be hinmaist.”
31On that same day, Pharisees cam to him, sayin, “Gae‐waʼ, and journey on! for Herod wad fain kill ye!”
32And he said to them, “Gang ye and tell that tod, ‘Mark ye! I cast oot demons, and mak an end oʼ healins, the day and the morn; and the third day Iʼse be made perfete!’
33“But I maun needs, the day, and the morn, and the day eftir, be gaun on; for it bude‐na be that a Prophet suffer but in Jerusalem!
34“O Jerusalem! Jerusalem! that slays the prophets, and stanes them that are sent to thee! hoo aft hae I been fain to gaither in thy bairns, like as a hen her cleckin under her wings — and ye wadna!
35“Behauld: yere hoose is yet left tʼye! But I say, ye canna see me till it is come aboot that ye say, ‘Blessed is he that comes iʼ the name oʼ the Lord!’ ”

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Luke 13: SCO1904





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