John 17
The prayer to tak wiʼ us whan we wad prevail. O to be ane wiʼ him, as he wad hae us!
1Sae spak Jesus, and than liftit up his een aboon, and said, “Faither, the ʼoor is here! Glorify thy Son, sae that thy Son soud eʼen glorify thee;
2“Eʼen as thou hast gien him authoritie ower aʼ leevin, that he micht gie Life‐for‐Aye till as mony as thou hast gien him.
3“And here is Life‐for‐Aye, that they soud ken thee, wha art the true God aboon, and Jesus the Christ, sent by thee.
4“Thee hae I glorifyʼt on the yirth; I hae wrocht the wark thou gied me to do.
5“And noo, O my Faither! glorify me Aboon wiʼ thysel, eʼen wiʼ the glorie I bure wiʼ thee afore aʼ warlds!
6“I hae schawn forth thy name to the men thou did gie me oot frae the warld: they war thine, and oʼ thine ain thou did gie me: and they hae keepit thy word.
7“And they hae come to ken that aʼ things thou hast gien me are oʼ thysel.
8“For I hae gien them the words thou gied me; and they hae taen them ben to them, and stievely ken that I cam forth frae thee; and they hae lippened that thou sent me.
9“For them I pray; no for the warld, but for them thou giʼest me; for they are thy ain.
10“And aʼ things mine are thine; and aʼ things thine are mine; and I in them am glorifyʼt!
11“And now I am nae mair iʼ the warld; I come ben to thee! but thir bide iʼ the warld. Faither aye holie! keep by thy ain nameʼs micht aʼ thou giʼest me, that they may be ane, eʼen as we are ane!
12“The time I was wiʼ them iʼ the warld, I keepit them iʼ thy name; thae thou gied me I keepit, and nane oʼ them is tint, savin only the son oʼ the pit: that the Scriptur micht be carryʼt oot.
13“And noo, hame to thee come I! And aʼ thir things I speak iʼ the warld, sae as my joy micht come to pass in them.
14“Thy word hae I gien them; and the warld has ill‐wulled them, for that they #17:14 The warld has aye ill‐wulled and despised thae that warna like itsel! To be miscaʼd by the warld, is gey aften a token oʼ grace.arena oʼ the worldʼs ain: eʼen as I am‐na oʼ the warldʼs ain.
15“I pray na they soud be taen oot oʼ the warld, but that thou keep them frae the ill oʼt.
16“For they are‐na oʼ the warldʼs ain, eʼen as I am‐na oʼ the warldʼs ain.
17“Consecrate them throwe thy truth; thy word is truth.
18“As thou did pit me intil the warld, eʼen sae hae I putten them intil the warld.
19“And for them I consecrate mysel, that eke they soud be consecrate iʼ the truth.
20“Noo for thir, allenarlie, dae I pray; but eke for them wha sal lippen me throwe their tellin.
21“That aʼ they may be ane; eʼen as thou, Faither, in me, and I in them, that they may be ane in us; sae as the warld may ken that thou sent me.
22“And the glorie thou gied me, I hae eʼen gien them; sae as they may indeed be ane, eʼen as we are but ane.
23“I in them, and thou in me; that they may be perfete in ane; and that aʼ the warld may ken that thou sent me, and has love to them, eʼen as thou hast love to me.
24“Faither, I wad mair, that they wham thou gies me, soud be wiʼ me whaur I bide; that they may set een on my glorie whilk thou has gien me; for thou loʼed me ʼor the fundation oʼ the yirth.
25“O Faither oʼ aʼ Richt! the warld hasna kent thee; but I hae kent thee; and thir hae come to ken that thou sent me oot.
26“And I hae deponed to them thy word, and wull depone; sae as the love — eʼen like sic as thou has for me — may be within them, and I mysel within them.”
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John 17: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.