Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con ROMANOS 5:5
[Guía de reflexión sobre Romanos] Tu creatividad, un regalo al cuerpo de Cristo
3 dias
Creatividad es más que solo la habilidad natural que alguien tiene desde que nace, es la manifestación de la imagen de Dios en un hombre o una mujer. Sin embargo, puede usarse en honor a Dios y proclamar su nombre. En este plan de tres días, encontrarás una excelente presentación de cómo un artista debe glorificar al Señor y convertirse en un regalo para el cuerpo de Cristo.
Yahweh, El Dador De La Vida
3 Dias
En este devocional de 3 días, inspirado en el sencillo de Linaje Escogido "YHWH", podrás meditar de una manera profunda en quién es Dios como dador de la vida.
Going Through Hard Times
4 Days
Facing difficult situations in our lives is inevitable. But in this short 4-day Plan, we’ll be encouraged knowing we are not alone, that God has a purpose for our pain, and that He will use it for His greater purpose.
Faith, Hope, & Love
4 Days
The Apostle Paul wrote that out of everything in life, three things remain: faith, hope, and love. What do these actually mean for us as followers of Jesus, and how do we live them out? In this 4-day Plan, we’ll learn more about these attributes, and understand how to live a life where we daily exercise faith, hope, and love.
God So Good
5 Days
No matter what circumstances you face, there is power and peace available to you. Rediscover the goodness of God in this 5-day devotional from Life.Church Worship, based on the new album, God So Good.
Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?
Unexpected Homeschooler
5 Days
You probably never dreamed you’d be in this place of having to make such hard decisions about the education of your children. But here you are in this unprecedented time, considering home education. This plan from veteran homeschool mom, Robin Meadows, is written to answer some of your questions, to soothe many of your fears, and to encourage you that with Jesus anything is possible!
No Estás Solo, Tienes a Dios
5 dias
Si te sientes solo, este devocional de cinco días es para ti. Hay muchas razones por las que nos sentimos solos. Algunas veces es porque estamos enfocadas en la compañia de personas incorrectas. Otra es la razón de no sentir o ver a Dios, y en otro ámbito es a traves de la prueba para certificar nuestra confianza en Dios.
Anchored in Hope: Readings From the New Testament
5 Days
We often hope in the world around us—for a promotion, a better relationship, a stronger family, and recovery of the sick. But trusting only in earthly outcomes will fail us. The Bible says we will experience loss and disappointment on earth, but we are held in God’s eternal love. On this plan, you will learn about God’s care for you and see how spiritual hope can bring strength amid life’s storms.
Cómo Superar Las Heridas Emocionales
5 Dias
¿Estás herido? Las heridas emocionales del pasado o del presente, ¿se han convertido en una amenaza para tu salud mental, relacional, física e incluso espiritual? Puedes ganar esta batalla. Este plan devocional de 5 días ofrece pasos prácticos para ayudarte a superar el dolor, para que puedas sanar y avanzar con esperanza y propósito.
Living Changed: As a Single Mom
6 Days
The job of a single mom is tough and sometimes lonely, but it’s also the most important role you’ll ever play. The truth is, God has chosen and equipped you to lead your family. In this six-day plan, you will discover resources and scripture to heal from your past, be encouraged in your present, and find hope for your future.
Death Does Not Own Me
6 Days
My husband of 53.5 years died in 2017 and before death, he had several losses. In the last few years, I have learned to not allow any loss to consume me. God showed me that ‘death does not own me,’ and 'loss does not have to own you!’ In this study learn that when loss comes you can conquer it, by reaching out beyond yourself and trusting God.
Character Practice
6 Days
Are you ready? Ready for anything? If you want to be ready for more freedom, more trust, and more independence, you’ve got to practice. Practice what, you ask? Practice living with godly character! This six-day Bible Plan with video clips from The Loop Show will help you practice characteristics like honesty, humility, grit—godly character—so you’ll be ready for anything.
7 Days
How can we find the right attitude for every situation? What is the right attitude? This seven-day Bible Plan finds answers in the life and teachings of Christ. Let these daily encouragements, reflective prayers, and powerful Scriptures form in you the mind of Christ.
Grief Bites: Doubt Revealed
7 Days
Are you struggling with heartache, doubt, or doubting God's goodness through a life storm? Are you experiencing apathy or distraction in your spiritual walk? This 7-Day reading plan will help to reveal any doubt you may hold in your heart and will help you to use doubt as a signal to grow closer to God's heart.
Victory Through Weakness
7 Days
Suffering can be perplexing. God’s people—and even Jesus himself—have often asked the “Why?” question when facing suffering. Scripture pulls back the curtain to reveal some, though not all, of God’s purposes in permitting suffering to enter our lives. Through it all, we are called to persevere faithfully, resting in the assurance of ultimate victory and eternal reward.
«Resoluciones comprometidas»
7 Dias
David no pide nada del Señor sin antes comprender que existe la necesidad de compromiso por su parte. Dispersados en los versículos 41 a 48 del Salmo 119, hallamos algunos vistazos de las decisiones que David había hecho en su corazón respecto a la Palabra de Dios. Te invito a conocerlas y apropiarte de ellas para tu vida también.
7 Días Para Aprender A Perdonar.
7 Dias
En ocasiones nos sentimos tan heridos que nos resulta imposible perdonar a los demás, y eso se convierte en un problema que nos afecta en lo más profundo de nuestro ser. Sin embargo, ¡puedes aprender a perdonar! Te propongo este plan de lectura de 7 días, en el cual compartiré contigo claves que te ayudarán a liberar el perdón y ser libre de esa carga. ¿Estás preparado(a)? Tu vida va a cambiar.
Living Lust Free – A 7 Day Journey
7 Days
Living Lust-Free is our birthright as Christians. The secular world we live in calls on us to lust daily. God calls us to live a life of sexual integrity - free from lust and sexual sin. This devotional is an invitation for you to start a lust-free lifestyle. You will be equipped with biblical principles that can help you fight and be free from the temptations of lust.
7 Days
Most of us try to avoid or ignore our emotions. We might even wonder if our faith and our feelings are enemies. But during His time on earth, Jesus felt emotions deeply. He wasn’t distant from us. He’s with us—even in our emotions. In this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Emotions, we’ll look at how Jesus lived to discover how our feelings might increase our faith.
Creating a Better Normal
7 Days
In the middle of crisis and uncertainty, many of us are itching to get back to normal. But what if it’s time to create a better normal instead? In this 7-day Bible Plan, we’ll discover how to stop seeking control and start seeking God.
¡Hay Esperanza! 7 Claves Para Renovar Tus Fuerzas.
7 Dias
Dice el refrán que la esperanza es lo último que se pierde, pero en ocasiones es difícil ver la luz al final del túnel. Sin embargo, ¡Dios quiere renovar tu esperanza, y con ellas tus fuerzas! Durante los próximos 7 días, voy a compartir contigo claves que te ayudarán a vivir con una esperanza renovada. ¿Estás listo/a? Tu vida va a cambiar.
¡Vergüenza! 7 Claves Para Vivir Con La Cabeza Alta.
7 Dias
La vergüenza es un arma poderosa que el enemigo utiliza para frenar nuestro propósito e impedirnos avanzar. Dios quiere que seas libre de ella y te apropies de la identidad que Él te da. Durante los próximos 7 días, voy a compartir contigo claves para ser libre de la vergüenza y vivir con la frente en alto. ¿Estás listo/a? ¡Eres un Milagro! Christian Misch
Near to the Brokenhearted: How to Heal From Heartbreak God’s Way
7 Days
Whether you’re experiencing the loss of a friendship, a broken dream, or a breakup—experiencing heartbreak can be confusing and challenging. In this 7-Day Bible Plan, you’ll learn how to tend to your broken heart God’s way.
Joy for the Journey: Finding Hope in the Midst of Trial
7 Days
We may not always see or feel it, but God is always with us... even when we're going through hard things. In this plan, Finding Hope Coordinator Amy LaRue writes from the heart about her own family's struggle with addiction and how God's joy broke through in their darkest times.