Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con ROMANOS 12:9
You Are Loved
4 Days
God loves you. Whoever you are, wherever you are in your life, God loves you! In this month, when we celebrate love, don't forget that God's love for you is greater than every other love. In this four day series, immerse yourself in God's love.
Porn Free With John Bevere
5 Days
This is not a plan to beat you up, tell you to double down on your efforts, and just get your act together. The Porn Free plan will lovingly take you by the hand, meet you where you are, and lead you with both grace and truth into freedom.
Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?
Growing in Love
5 Days
What truly matters is loving God and loving others, but how do we do that effectively? The truth is, we can’t love people well in our own power. But when we look to God and lay ourselves down in humility, we can live from God’s authentic and powerful love. Learn more about growing in love in this 5-day Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel.
La Fiesta Del Rey
5 Dias
La fiesta del Rey es un devocional de 5 días desarrollado por Tavo Campos. Este devocional está diseñado para aprender que hay un lugar a la mesa en la fiesta del Rey para ti.
Liking Jesus
7 Days
The average person spends 7.4 hours a day staring at screens. We love the incredible benefits of technology, but many of us suspect there are negative consequences of using it. If you feel your digital dependency is becoming unmanageable, this 7-day devotional will help you reclaim a Christ-centered life. Based on the book Liking Jesus: Following Jesus in a Selfie-Centered World, by bestselling author and pastor of Life.Church, Craig Groeschel.
Collective: Finding Life Together
7 Days
Once you turn 18, it feels like you have to figure out your life. But what if you don’t? What if where you thought you’d be isn’t where you are now? You’re not alone. Let’s figure out life’s biggest questions together in in this 7-day Bible Plan by Collective, a study for young adults from Life.Church.
Living Lust Free – A 7 Day Journey
7 Days
Living Lust-Free is our birthright as Christians. The secular world we live in calls on us to lust daily. God calls us to live a life of sexual integrity - free from lust and sexual sin. This devotional is an invitation for you to start a lust-free lifestyle. You will be equipped with biblical principles that can help you fight and be free from the temptations of lust.
Missing Peace
7 Days
Is it really possible to experience peace when life is painful? The short answer: yes, but not in our own power. In a year that has left us feeling overwhelmed, many of us are left with questions. In this 7-day Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, we’ll discover how to find the Missing Peace we all crave.
¡Prosigo a La Meta! 7 Claves Para Avanzar Con Fuerza.
7 Dias
A lo largo de nuestro caminar en la vida, podemos encontrarnos frustrados, desanimados o varados en un mismo lugar ¡pero Dios camina con nosotros! Es tiempo de levantarnos y proseguir a la meta. Durante los próximos 7 días, voy a compartir contigo claves que te ayudarán a avanzar con determinación. ¿Estás listo/a? ¡Eres un Milagro! Christian Misch
Puertas Abiertas. Corazones Abiertos.
8 Dias
Con las puertas y los corazones abiertos, podemos acoger a los demás en un espacio donde son vistos, donde son amados y donde son valorados. En esta serie de ocho días, examinaremos más de cerca ejemplos e historias de hospitalidad que se encuentran en la Biblia, y reflexionaremos sobre cómo puedes practicar bien la hospitalidad en tu propia vida.
Paul Tripp's Daily Thanksgiving Devotional
12 Days
Thanksgiving is a time to remember all the good things God has graciously given to us. But sometimes the craziness of the season can keep us from taking time to thank God for his many gifts. With encouraging devotions from Paul David Tripp, these short devotions only take 5 minutes to read, but will encourage you to meditate on God’s mercy throughout the day.
14 Dias
La llamada que Jesús hace a sus seguidores es una llamada radical: es radical porque requiere un cambio de vida muy drástico; es radical porque significa perder la vida; es radical porque significa vivir una vida totalmente diferente de lo que normalmente viviríamos. En este plan, veremos la llamada radical que hace Jesús, y aprenderemos cómo entregarnos más a Él.
14 Dias
En este estudio, veremos algunas de las ideas que son sumamente importantes y esenciales para cualquier líder de la iglesia. Son conceptos que vienen directamente de la Palabra de Dios; principios que deben guiar y moldear al liderazgo espiritual en el Reino de Jesús. Puedes descargar el libro completo de Bloques en esta página: .
21 Days
Learn how best to pray, both from the prayers of the faithful and from the words of Jesus Himself. Find encouragement to keep taking your requests to God every day, with persistence and patience. Explore examples of empty, self righteous prayers, balanced against the pure prayers of those with clean hearts. Pray constantly.