Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con SALMOS 16:4

Changed For The Better
4 Days
If you’ve experienced a meaningful moment of faith or family, there’s a good chance singer-songwriter Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts has sung about it. With more than 22 million albums sold and 16 No. 1 singles, these songs have become the soundtrack for many lives. As a result, millions of us are being Changed for the Better.

Hearing From Heaven: Listening for the Lord in Daily Life
5 Days
The Lord is alive and active today, and He speaks to each of His children directly. But sometimes, it can be difficult to see and hear Him. By exploring the story of one man’s journey toward understanding the voice of God in the slums of Nairobi, you will learn what it looks like to hear and follow Him.

Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?

¿Cuestión De Suerte?
5 Dias
Usado a menudo para explicar precisamente aquello a cuyo Autor queremos eliminar, el concepto de suerte tiene para el cristiano un significado completamente diferente que el que el mundo alrededor le da. Identifica algunas ideas relacionadas («azar» o «destino», por ejemplo) y te darás cuenta de que este es un asunto en boca de muchos actualmente. Porque el ser humano, aun en su versión más moderna, necesita explicaciones todavía.

Things Jesus Never Said
6 Days
If Jesus were on board with every idea His followers have staked His claim in, then He’d be one incredibly confused Son of God, always at odds with Himself and overly busy leading the charge for both sides of every debate. Thankfully, Jesus speaks for Himself. You can read His words in this new Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, Things Jesus Never Said.

Joy for the Journey: Finding Hope in the Midst of Trial
7 Days
We may not always see or feel it, but God is always with us... even when we're going through hard things. In this plan, Finding Hope Coordinator Amy LaRue writes from the heart about her own family's struggle with addiction and how God's joy broke through in their darkest times.

La Base
14 Dias
La Base: Creencias fundamentales de la fe Cristiana. En La Base, examinamos algunas ideas grandes que corren por todo el texto bíblico, por todas las historias, profecías, poemas y enseñanzas. Estas ideas forman la base de una relación con Dios, e infunden sentido al resto de la vida. Puedes descargar el libro completo de La Base totalmente gratis en esta página: .

14 Dias
En este estudio, veremos algunas de las ideas que son sumamente importantes y esenciales para cualquier líder de la iglesia. Son conceptos que vienen directamente de la Palabra de Dios; principios que deben guiar y moldear al liderazgo espiritual en el Reino de Jesús. Puedes descargar el libro completo de Bloques en esta página: .

Un Matrimonio Formado por el Evangelio
20 Dias
En este estudio, vemos la pregunta: ¿Cuál es el propósito de Dios — el Creador del matrimonio — para el matrimonio? Como Él lo creó, entender sus intenciones nos ayudará inmensamente a navegar el camino de nuestro matrimonio para nuestro gozo y su gloria. Te invitamos a descargar el libro completo de Un Matrimonio Formado por el Evangelio completamente gratis en esta página: .