Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con SALMOS 139:13
Everything I Need
3 days
God has gone before us and protects us from behind. He has our battles already handled. He has the blindside covered. He isn’t surprised by curveballs. This focused 3-day devotional will leave you encouraged in the truth that God is the provider of the exact portion, the exact measure, for your life.
Cómo Superar Los Pensamientos Suicidas
3 Dias
Si luchas contra la depresión, el dolor emocional o los pensamientos suicidas, debes saber que hay esperanza. Puedes sanar y superar lo que estás afrontando. Tanto si tu dolor se debe a experiencias pasadas como a circunstancias actuales, Dios puede ayudarte. Este plan devocional de tres días te ofrece ánimo para iniciar tu camino hacia la sanidad.
Dios Es Omnisciente Y Todo Amor
3 Dias
Estas enseñanzas bíblicas te llevarán a conocer a un Dios que todo lo conoce, y aún así te ama incondicionalmente, a través del Evangelio Según Mateo.
Cómo Superar La Imagen Corporal Negativa
3 Dias
¿Sufres de una imagen corporal negativa? Muchos de nosotros, seamos hombres o mujeres, vivimos constantemente insatisfechos con nosotros mismos y con la manera en cómo nos vemos. Compramos mentiras de la sociedad y del enemigo. Sin embargo, Dios desea liberarnos. Este plan devocional de tres días te ayudará a identificar estas mentiras, sus fuentes y a entender lo que Dios dice de ti.
Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World
5 Days
Often we feel as if we’re not doing enough. Then we feel guilty because we’re supposed to be having quiet times with God too—but when we try to slow down, our hearts and minds are still busy. The story of Mary and Martha offers us guidance as well as grace in this tension. It’s a story of two sisters. It’s a story for each of us.
Showing Empathy
5 Days
Empathy allows us to perceive the needs of others, and bring hope and relief into their lives. Often, we can struggle with how to display empathy. Fortunately, we have a great example: in this Plan. We’ll look at what the Bible has to say about empathy, and how we can grow in ours in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Arise and Shine
5 Days
People often say, “Give God your burdens.” Do you ever wonder: How do I do that? The brokenness of the world feels too heavy. And as much as you desire to shine the light of Jesus, you wonder what that looks like when you struggle to see the light yourself. This devotional looks at how we can be lights for Jesus even when our own world feels dark.
Overcoming Thoughts of Suicide and Self-Harm
6 Days
If you feel hopeless, or you've experienced self-harm or suicidal thoughts, you need to know there's a God who loves you, has a purpose for you, and who's with you now. This six-day Life.Church Bible plan will help you understand who God says you are and empower your journey to healing. ***If you're in an emergency, please reach out to someone. Resources are included with each day's devotional.
Active Faith
6 Days
How can you be active in your faith daily? Through the trials and tribulations of life, it is vital that we are both physically and spiritually fit. The Active Faith Sports team developed this reading plan to provide practical ways to be active in your faith and your fitness. Instructional videos have been provided by Terry Williams of the League Elite Training Facility in Houston, Texas.
A Los Invisibles Y Olvidados
6 Dias
A pesar de tanta conectividad y medios sociales, estudios revelan que el aislamiento y la soledad se han convertido en una epidemia. Incluso, podemos llegar a pensar que para Dios también somos invisibles. Este devocional se centra en cuatro “invisibles” que fueron visibles para Dios y los consejos que podemos aprender de ellos cuando nos sentimos invisibles y olvidados.
7 Dias
Recorre este plan de 7 días y consolídate en tu fe. La fe no nos ha sido dada sólo para salvarnos, sino para ser restaurado, transformado y hacer proezas a través de nuestra relación con Jesucristo. Las hazañas nos impulsan a conquistar lo imposible. ¡Descubre el destino rico en proezas que Dios ha preparado previamente para ti!
7 Días Para Entender Que Dios Está Contigo.
7 Dias
Muchas veces nos sentimos abrumados por el día a día. Los problemas se multiplican, y podemos llegar a sentir que Dios no está tan cerca como antes. Sin embargo, ¡Dios siempre está con nosotros! En este plan de lectura de 7 días compartiré contigo claves que te ayudarán a ser más consciente de la Presencia de Dios en tu vida. ¿Estás preparado(a)? Tu vida va a cambiar.
Daily Jewels- Aligning Your Crown As A Daughter Of The King
7 Days
Look around. In the midst of chaos, there is always a jewel to be found. Daily Jewels is a 7-day devotion that calls you to boldly align your crown as a daughter of the King. Join me on a treasure hunt to discover the extraordinary jewels hidden in the ordinary places.
Think About the Things You Think About
7 Days
Do you ever just wake up with a bad attitude? Or have emotional outbursts? Or nitpick every tiny flaw you think you have? Ugh. Not fun. But God doesn’t want us to live that way. This Bible Plan will help you learn truth from Philippians chapter 4. It will help you think about what you think about!
Living Changed: When Your Birth Story Didn’t Go As Expected
7 Days
We all have a picture of what we think our pregnancy and birth will look like. When it goes differently, it can be heartbreaking. Whether you had a difficult delivery or your little one needed a NICU stay, your story matters to God. This plan, from a NICU mama, will help you grieve the birth story you didn’t get to experience and find hope and healing for the future.
Cómo Llegar a Ser Un Líder en Mi Iglesia
7 Dias
El Señor les dió dones a todas las personas. Cada cristiano puede liderar en la Iglesia de Dios. El deseo de liderar en el Reino de Dios es noble. Sin embargo, para liderar de manera eficiente, debemos hacerlo con un motivo noble, humilde y fiel. Los ancianos pueden confirmar el don de Dios en nuestras vidas. Debemos liderar de acuerdo a nuestras habilidades, gustosamente y con un corazón de servicio.
7 Days
Food can be an idol just like anything else. It can consume your thoughts, your attitudes, and your actions. Some people idolize food by eating too much of it, and others idolize food by not eating enough of it. This seven-day plan will help you establish a healthy perspective on food by engaging with the Bible, the "bread of life." For more content, check out
Beautiful Pregnancy
9 Days
The nine months of pregnancy more often than not conjure images of fear, anxiety, pain and suffering. But this is far from what God intended it to be! God’s plan for your pregnancy is beautiful! As you delve into this plan, the lies of the devil concerning pregnancy will be exposed, and your faith will be strengthened as you understand God’s perspective of pregnancy outlined in His Word.
Finding Joy in the Rooms of a Mother’s Heart
10 Days
You are about to enter, or perhaps have already entered, the breathtaking, fulfilling, and frustrating address where motherhood lives. Once you cross the threshold of this magnificent dwelling that is reserved for those who have been blessed with children, your life and your heart will never be the same.
One: Lent Devotional
10 Days
When we look around at the world today, we can see an awful lot of division and disconnection. Yet there is hope. A deep and thrilling hope. When we realize that we are one in Christ, everything changes. When we embrace togetherness – unity with creation, with each other, and with God – extraordinary things can happen. As you read this devotional, we pray you have a blessed Lent.
Unos a otros
12 Dias
Aunque la palabra relaciones no se encuentra específicamente en la Biblia, sí se encuentra una palabra griega: ἀλλήλων (Allélón) que significa “Unos a otros” y tiene que ver con cómo los cristianos nos debemos relacionar y tratar. Creemos que estamos en un tiempo de ser sal y luz a través de nuestras relaciones. Estos doce devocionales te ayudarán a conectar con Dios y con otros.
Toolbox For Life
14 Days
In this reading plan, Pastor Rick teaches the eight skills we need to succeed as we pursue our unique missions in life.
"Conociendo a Papá"
14 Dias
A lo largo de estos 14 días conocerás la inmensidad del perfecto amor de nuestro Padre Celestial, las facetas de su amor y sus manifestaciones de cariño y protección.