Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con MARCOS 9

8 Days
This simple plan will lead you through the Gospel According to Mark from beginning to end.

BibleProject | El Rey crucificado
9 Dias
El Evangelio de Marcos es el relato de un testigo ocular de uno de los seguidores más cercanos de Jesús. En este plan de nueve días, verás cómo Marcos ha elaborado cuidadosamente su historia para mostrar que Jesús es el Mesías judío que vino a traer el Reino de Dios.

Let's Read the Bible Together (July)
31 Days
Part 7 of a 12-part series, this plan leads communities through the whole Bible together in 365 days. Invite others to join in every time you start a new part each month. This series works well with audio Bibles—listen in less than 20 minutes per day! Each section includes Old and New Testament chapters, with Psalms scattered throughout. Part 7 features the books of Second Samuel, First Kings, Second Kings, and Mark.