Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con MARCOS 15:27

Easter: If the Grave Could Talk
6 Days
We all have a common denominator. We will die. I will die. You will die. Death will defeat you. You won’t be able to dodge it, sidestep it, trick it or make it disappear. But then there is Jesus, the man who defeated the grave. Jesus stood toe to toe with the grave and defeated death. When Jesus talks, the grave speaks.

What Is Easter All About?
6 Days
Once, a man predicted His own death. He also predicted He’d only be dead for three days. And He was right! Jesus’ death and return to life are the amazing truths of the Easter story. Christians still celebrate the day. But what does it all mean for you? This Bible Plan will help you understand the mysteries and the beauty of Easter!

En la cruz hay vida
8 dias
La entrada triunfal de Jesús en la ciudad Jerusalén da inicio a la semana de la Pasión de nuestro Señor. Tras la algarabía de la multitud se desencadenaron acontecimientos históricos trascendentes para la humanidad. La ciudad se conmovió. Jesús expiró. El velo se rasgó. La muerte parecía vencer. ¡Pero la vida lo inundó todo!

The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan
10 Days
Let’s slow down this Holy Week and learn from Christ’s final days on earth. Each day we will receive lessons or gifts that He took the time to give. Do you need a fresh reminder of what mattered most to Christ—that you love His people and follow Him? What could He want to teach you this Holy Week?

His Great Sacrifice, Our Great Commission
10 Days
Travel a different road that leads to Easter this year. Start your journey with global missionaries in the Middle East and navigate the sights and sounds that will help you experience Easter from a whole new perspective. Experience anew why Jesus came to this earth--to save the souls of mankind.

No Estás Lejos
12 Dias
¿A veces te sientes lejos de Dios... o quizá sientes que Dios está lejos de ti? Es común sentirse así. Pero si lo que dijo Jesús es cierto, Dios está más cerca de lo que piensas.

Estaciones de la Cruz - Plan de Pascua
14 dias
Este bello plan ilustrado con pinturas de la Biblia de Wiedmann te invita a orar y reflexionar sobre las últimas horas, o Pasión, de Jesucristo. Sigue las tradicionales Estaciones de la Cruz durante este plan de 14 días. ¡No hay amor más sustancial que el amor de Jesucristo por ti! ¡Echa un vistazo!