Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con MATEO 1:6

Living Changed: At Christmas
5 Days
In all the holiday hustle and bustle, it can be easy to lose sight of why we’re celebrating. In this 5-day advent plan, we’ll dive into the promises fulfilled by the birth of Jesus and the hope we have for the future. As we learn more about who God is, we’ll discover how to live through the holiday season with hope, faith, joy, and peace.

Mary Was a Mom
7 Days
Mary was a mom, like many women. What can we learn from the heart of the woman chosen to bear the Messiah? Read along as Robin Meadows, author and relationship coach, shares from her experiences of launching seven children and living to tell about it.

Timeless Wonder | a Christmas Reading Plan From New Life Church
19 Days
This three week plan walks us through the timeless wonder of how God came to us through His son, Jesus. The plan is designed to begin on a Monday so that each weekend will include shorter content meant for rest and reflection during the holiday season. Join us as we study what the birth of Christ means for our future, present, and past.

Adviento - Navidad
28 Dias
Navidad es una temporada de espera expectante. Conecta el anhelo de Israel por la llegada del Mesías con nuestra anticipación del regreso de Cristo. Durante cuatro semanas, tenemos la oportunidad de detenernos, prepararnos y reflexionar. Nuestra historia de fe ha recorrido un largo camino desde el primer anuncio del nacimiento de Jesús, ¡pero todavía no ha terminado!.