Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con LUCAS 2:10
Un rayo de luz en la adversidad
3 Dias
Un rayo de luz para el angustiado, una esperanza para el afligido, un gozo diferente en medio de la adversidad. En este tiempo que se acerca te invitamos a que te confines con Jesús y le conozcas. Entrégale todos tus anhelos, descansa en Él.
De Camino a La Navidad
3 Dias
Aunque la Navidad es una temporada festiva, y las horas del reloj avanzan a un ritmo diferente, un tiempo donde nos parece que todo se envuelve en una atmósfera especial que nos hace sentir que el aire es más fresco, y ver que las hojas de los árboles adquieren un brillo especial, y las estrellas parpadean con una luz diferente que nos inspiran a capturar destellos de eternidad.
La Fuente De La Esperanza
3 Dias
En un mundo lleno de dificultades, ¿cómo podemos tener esperanza? Tal vez te preguntes. La respuesta sigue siendo la misma hoy que hace 2000 años en Belén. Un bebé envuelto en pañales. Paradójicamente, para que exista la esperanza, desafortunadamente parece que primero tiene que haber desesperanza. En un mundo perfecto no se necesitaría tener esperanza.
An Easter Nativity
3 Days
Reflections on the events of Good Friday told by characters from the nativity stories. An imaginative exploration of the wonder of the nativity and the sacrifice of the crucifixion.
Navidad Plena. Tres Consejos Para Una Muy Feliz Navidad
3 Dias
Tu mejor navidad está al alcance de tres sencillos y prácticos principios para disfrutar un tiempo maravilloso con tus seres queridos y tu familia en un espíritu de amor y de unidad celebrando el milagro más hermoso de la historia: ¡Dios fue manifestado en carne!
Light of the World - Advent Devotional
4 Days
Millions of Christians around the world will be celebrating Christmas this year. Advent, a beautifully symbolic celebration leading up to Christmas Day, is a huge part of the Christmas festivities in many countries. As you read this exciting Advent devotional, you'll have the opportunity to join in and celebrate with your brothers and sisters from far off nations and learn from their unique and powerful perspectives and traditions.
Advent Adoration by Vertical Worship
4 Days
The Christmas story is the story of how God intervened in history through the birth of Jesus. The lives of Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds were utterly changed by this event. They found hope, love, peace, and joy; join the team from Vertical Worship as we remember together how, through Jesus, we can find these too.
Navidad: Recibiendo a Jesús como el único protagonista.
4 Dias
Toda historia tiene un papel principal, acompañado de otros papeles secundarios. Pero por encima de toda historia personal, está la gran historia. Viendo y reconociendo el papel principal de Jesús, sin duda tu historia será muy diferente. Te invitamos a la reflexión a través de este devocional en el evangelio de Lucas, para que Él tenga el auténtico papel principal.
Abide in Jesus - 4-Day Advent Devotional
4 Days
Christmas is coming! With it comes Advent – preparing for and celebrating Jesus’ birth. But does that fact get lost by the busy holiday schedule, shopping for the perfect gift, or hosting family gatherings? In the steady rush of the Christmas season, experience new ways to engage with God’s Word, ultimately drawing you closer to Him. Awaken your soul in this 4-day reading plan from Thomas Nelson's Abide Bible Journals.
The Gift of Christmas
4 Days
Christmas is a time to celebrate the greatest gift of all, Jesus. Looking at the story of Christ's anticipated arrival at Christmas reminds us that Jesus came to be the fulfillment of God's promises and faithfulness. All our hopes and prayers are answered in the presence of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us.
The Christmas Story
5 Days
Every good story has a plot twist—an unexpected moment that changes everything. One of the biggest plot twists in the Bible is the Christmas story. Over the next five days, we’ll explore how this one event changed the world and how it can change your life today.
Grief Bites: Hope for the Holidays
5 Days
For many, the holidays are a time of great joy...but what happens when the holidays lose their sparkle and become challenging due to deep grief or loss? This special reading plan will help those going through grief to find comfort and hope for the holidays, and shares how to create a meaningful holiday season in spite of deep grief.
It Came to Pass (Worthy, Worthy) From Vertical Worship
5 Days
The Christmas story is so familiar to those young and old. The manger scenes, shepherds, and wise men are all a part of a narrative that has been retold for over two thousand years. It’s easy to think it has nothing new to teach us. Yet, the word of God is living and active - it works in us in new ways every time we digest it. -Vertical Worship
Peace on Earth: A 5-Day Advent Devotional
5 Days
For some, Christmas time can be full of grief, tragedy, hurt, and division. Yet Christmas celebrates that God became a human and stepped right into the middle of our hurting, angry, chaotic world to bring us peace—peace among people and, even more importantly, peace with God. Join us this Advent season in looking at the peace brought by Christ.
The Gift
5 Days
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but we often find ourselves hustling through the holidays. This Christmas, what if we reclaimed wonder? In this 5-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, The Gift, we’ll discover how the three gifts the wise men gave Jesus can lead us to a place of wonder and worship today.
Christmas Reflections
5 Days
Our Christmas story starts with the angel’s annunciation to Mary and concludes with the visit of the Magi. In these reflections and applications of the Christmas narrative I will mostly refer to Luke, as his is the fullest of the gospel accounts.
Anticipating Christmas: A 5-Day Advent Plan
5 Days
So often, the holidays come and go before we have a chance to focus on preparing our hearts for Christmas. Advent is our way of remembering that God came to be with us, is still with us, and will come again. Over the next 5 days, we’ll examine the four Advent themes: hope, peace, love, and joy.
Why Jesus Was Born
5 Days
Why was Jesus born? This may seem like a simple question, too familiar to ponder. But as you prepare for Christmas this year, take time to reflect on the deep meaning and purpose of Jesus's birth for your life, and for the whole world. This 5 day series was written by Scott Hoezee, and is an excerpt from the Words of Hope daily devotional.
El Evangelio Para Cada Persona
5 Dias
El evangelio es para cada persona porque Jesús es para cada persona. Que este plan devocional de cinco días basado en la primera declaración de visión del Movimiento de Lausana, “el evangelio para cada persona”, lo lleve a un compromiso más profundo con el amor de Cristo y a un deseo más profundo de compartir ese amor con otros.
Infinitum Family Advent, Week 1
5 Days
We’re filled with anticipation as we lean into this season of celebration with the intention of tuning into the heart of God. Join us for 4 weeks as we: Behold Beauty, Break Barriers, Make Room, and are Surprised by God. Like all the best stuff in life, this journey is best taken with others—so grab a friend or two and your sense of wonder and roll into Advent Season.
Infinitum Advent Suprised by God, Week 4
5 Days
We’re filled with anticipation as we lean into this season of celebration with the intention of tuning into the heart of God. Join us for 4 weeks as we: Behold Beauty, Break Barriers, Make Room, and are Surprised by God. Like all the best stuff in life, this journey is best taken with others—so grab a friend or two and your sense of wonder and roll into the Advent Season.
Infinitum Advent Behold Beauty, Week 1
5 Days
We’re filled with anticipation as we lean into this season of celebration with the intention of tuning into the heart of God. Join us for 4 weeks as we: Behold Beauty, Break Barriers, Make Room, and are Surprised by God. Like all the best stuff in life, this journey is best taken with others—so grab a friend or two and your sense of wonder and roll into the Advent Season.
Invitados Por Jesús
5 Dias
No es un asunto de poca importancia el ser invitados por Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios. Una invitación como esa jamás debiera ser rechazada. Pero, la realidad es que momento tras momento hay declinaciones alrededor del mundo a una invitación tan preciada. ¿A qué nos invita Jesús? En este plan de cinco días iremos a las Escrituras para encontrar la respuesta a esa importante pregunta.
This Christmas Don’t Give Up, Look Up
6 Days
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Things are looking up.” It means the situation is improving. The Bible tells us that things will start looking up when we start looking up. Get your eyes off your circumstances and onto God.
Una Navidad desde el pesebre
6 Dias
Cuando hablamos de la Navidad, ¿qué imagen se te viene a la mente? ¿Cuáles son los elementos que aparecen en tu cabeza? Durante los próximos 5 días descubriremos que no hay figuras aleatorias, ni elementos decorativos, sino que cada detalle, por pequeño que sea, tiene un sentido y propósito en esa escena de la natividad. ¿Te atreves a descubrirlos?