Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con JUAN 11:21

Qué Hacer Ante La Desilusión
3 Dias
En Juan 11 encontramos el relato de la muerte de Lázaro, y en María observamos un ejemplo digno a seguir de cómo reaccionar ante la desilusión. En este breve plan de lectura estaremos mirando tres cosas que podemos aprender y aplicar en medio de nuestra prueba y desilusión.

Un rayo de luz en la adversidad
3 Dias
Un rayo de luz para el angustiado, una esperanza para el afligido, un gozo diferente en medio de la adversidad. En este tiempo que se acerca te invitamos a que te confines con Jesús y le conozcas. Entrégale todos tus anhelos, descansa en Él.

Mujer, Ten Paz
3 Dias
Descubre junto a mí la verdadera paz, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, encontrada en Jesús desde los ojos de Marta hermana de Lázaro de Betania. Encontremos esa paz anhelada y necesaria hallando el momento exacto entre nuestro corazón y el cielo reconociendo quienes somos como mujeres y quién es Él, nuestro amado Dios. Mujer, ten paz.

Lázaro, Sal De La Tumba
4 Dias
Durante este devocional, podrás estudiar la historia de Lázaro y entenderás cómo se puede aplicar a tu vida. Recibirás una palabra de Dios que te invitará a conocer que Él te ha hecho libre. Quizás no te has dado cuenta porque tus inseguridades y temores no te lo permiten. Lo que puedes considerar muerto, puede cobrar nuevamente vida para tu bendición y para que el nombre de Dios sea engrandecido.

The Alabaster Jar
5 Days
A life poured out. We see an example of this in Mary who anointed Jesus (John 12:1-8). In these next 5 days, let us do as Mary did and smash the alabaster jar, so we may be overcome by the fragrance of Jesus.

Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World
5 Days
Often we feel as if we’re not doing enough. Then we feel guilty because we’re supposed to be having quiet times with God too—but when we try to slow down, our hearts and minds are still busy. The story of Mary and Martha offers us guidance as well as grace in this tension. It’s a story of two sisters. It’s a story for each of us.

Surviving Sorrow: Devotions for Parents in Mourning
5 Days
When Kim's three-year-old son passed away, she found plenty of resources on grieving. She says what she really needed, though, “was someone who would give me advice for living, not just grieving.” In this five-day devotional, Kim will share a raw vulnerability, a deep well of wisdom, and the knowledge of someone who’s been there as she walks grieving parents through the life-after-death process and surviving the sorrow of loss.

Grieving With Hope
5 Days
Grief is a human experience and no one is immune to it. We grieve when we lose someone or a dream dies. It can strike at any point and is often when we least expect it. We’ll dive into understanding grief and learn how to process the different kinds we’ll go through. Join in on the 5-day Plan so that you can get through your grief in a healthy way.

Showing Empathy
5 Days
Empathy allows us to perceive the needs of others, and bring hope and relief into their lives. Often, we can struggle with how to display empathy. Fortunately, we have a great example: in this Plan. We’ll look at what the Bible has to say about empathy, and how we can grow in ours in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Living Changed: Through Grief
5 Days
Losing a loved one is utterly heartbreaking. It’s a terrible pain that no one can understand unless they’ve been in your shoes. This 5-day plan was written by women who have experienced loss and want to help you find comfort and peace in God’s Word. While this plan can’t help you accelerate the grief process, we believe it will help you endure the everyday hurts and give you hope.

The Book Of John | The 7 "Signs" And The 7 "I AM's" Of Jesus
7 Days
John's gospel can be broken into four parts: an Introduction (John 1:-1:18), the Book of signs (1:19-12:50), the Book of exaltation (13:1-20:31) and an Epilogue (chapter 21). In this Seven Day study we will study the 7 “Signs” of Jesus, and the 7 “I AM" statements of Jesus, to demonstrate that John structured his book in a way that helps the reader see that Jesus fulfills the ministry of Elisha.

7 Days
Most of us try to avoid or ignore our emotions. We might even wonder if our faith and our feelings are enemies. But during His time on earth, Jesus felt emotions deeply. He wasn’t distant from us. He’s with us—even in our emotions. In this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Emotions, we’ll look at how Jesus lived to discover how our feelings might increase our faith.

Creating a Better Normal
7 Days
In the middle of crisis and uncertainty, many of us are itching to get back to normal. But what if it’s time to create a better normal instead? In this 7-day Bible Plan, we’ll discover how to stop seeking control and start seeking God.

La Vida De Jesús. Parte 4 (4/7).
7 Dias
Embárcate en un viaje para aprender más sobre la vida de Jesús. Juntos veremos fragmentos cortos de la película “La vida de Jesús”, y reflexionaremos sobre ellos. Descubre quién es Jesús realmente y qué puede hacer en tu vida. Este plan forma parte de un conjunto de 7 planes: puedes leerlos por separado, pero te animamos/retamos a que los hagas todos en orden.

El Dios Sin Prisa
7 Dias
Los tiempos de Dios no son nuestros tiempos y eso, en un mundo de velocidad y estrés, no es fácil de entender ni de aceptar. En este plan consideraremos cómo, normalmente, "la mejor parte" está alejada de la urgencia. De poco nos sirve afanarnos... Él nunca tiene prisa, porque nunca llega tarde, y nos invita contemplarle, absorber de Su carácter, y aprender a vivir de una forma distinta.

The Art of Overcoming
7 Days
Life is full of setbacks, losses, disappointments, and pain. “The Art of Overcoming” will help you deal with loss, grief, and hurt. It’s about refusing to allow the things that look like endings to discourage or derail you. Instead, let God turn them into beginnings. When life is confusing and difficult, don’t give up. Look up. No matter what difficult moment or painful loss you’re facing, God is with you.

Handling Grief
10 Days
When someone we love dies, we often feel many different emotions. In this 10-day devotional, learn how to handle grief when our loved ones go to be with the Lord. These are lessons that the Lord has been teaching me after my beloved wife went home to be with the Lord at the end of June 2021.

En tiempos de crisis, alimenta tu fe
12 dias
Seguramente has tenido alguna vez la sensación de la ausencia de Dios en medio de los conflictos. Son momentos en los que nuestra fe es probada para afirmarnos en la seguridad de que Dios está al control de nuestras vidas, de la historia, y el temor puede convertirse en paz al saber que Dios está con nosotros. Dios tiene algo que decirte en los próximos días. ¡Adelante!