Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con SANTIAGO 3:14

Gaining Godly Wisdom
5 Days
Many of us see wisdom as something more experienced people have. But, we really can have it no matter how long we’ve lived. This 5-day Plan will give you insight into what godly wisdom actually is and how to gain it.

Claves Para Un Matrimonio Exitoso
6 Dias
La mayoría de las luchas que tenemos en los matrimonios, no se deben a la falta de información. Se deben a la falta de obediencia a lo que ya sabemos. En este plan, ofrecemos una verdad bíblica que te ayudará a tener un matrimonio exitoso.

Liking Jesus
7 Days
The average person spends 7.4 hours a day staring at screens. We love the incredible benefits of technology, but many of us suspect there are negative consequences of using it. If you feel your digital dependency is becoming unmanageable, this 7-day devotional will help you reclaim a Christ-centered life. Based on the book Liking Jesus: Following Jesus in a Selfie-Centered World, by bestselling author and pastor of Life.Church, Craig Groeschel.

Inconceivable Redemption: God's Presence In Miscarriage And Infertility
8 days
Are you experiencing the pain and grief of pregnancy loss? Let's walk together through the many emotions, ask the hard questions, and seek Biblical answers. God's inconceivable redemption is not only possible in the darkest moments, but most evident and surprising in them.