Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con EFESIOS 6:18
![Sé Fuerte [Mi Propuesta]](/_next/image?
Sé Fuerte [Mi Propuesta]
3 dias
Dios nos reclama fortaleza, y dice: “sean fuertes y valientes”. Y tenemos que serlo, por nosotros y por las personas que están a nuestro lado. Pero hay momentos y situaciones que nos hacen tambalear. Temblamos ante el futuro, nos angustiamos, nos deprimimos y huimos de compromisos y responsabilidades. Sin embargo, en medio de esa lucha entre lo que debes ser y lo que eres, hay algo que necesitas saber.
![Driven by Purpose](/_next/image?
Driven by Purpose
3 Days
In this three-day devotional, we will look at what it means to live with purpose. Aimless living is all too easy and is a sad waste of our precious lives. Why not take the next three days to unpack what it looks like to turn from the ways of the world, face God and begin to follow Jesus – on purpose.
![Su Obra & Mi Misión](/_next/image?
Su Obra & Mi Misión
3 Dias
¿Alguna vez se ha puesto a pensar en los familiares que aún son prisioneros o esclavos del pecado? Nuestra libertad fue pagada por Aquel que murió por nuestros pecados, pero siempre hay alguien que se pone en la brecha para que un perdido pueda encontrar su libertad en Cristo.
![Señales Para Detectar El Ataque Espiritual](/_next/image?
Señales Para Detectar El Ataque Espiritual
3 Dias
En nuestro viaje de fe es inevitable que enfrentemos luchas espirituales en nuestro anhelo de obedecer y avanzar en las cosas de Dios. La Biblia es categórica en afirmar que nuestro adversario el diablo, deambula como un león rugiendo con feroz hambre, buscando a quien agarrar y devorar. Y aunque nuestro enemigo desea destruirnos, Dios asegura que en nuestra dependencia y sujeción a Cristo estará siempre nuestra victoria
![How to Battle Fear](/_next/image?
How to Battle Fear
4 Days
In uncertain times, our go-to mindset is fear. It seems to soothe us when we continually let ourselves go down fear-filled, “what-if” roads. As followers of Jesus, we can battle this. We don’t have to let fear win. This Plan is filled with practical tips as you take steps to win the battle fear is waging.
![What is Spiritual Warfare?](/_next/image?
What is Spiritual Warfare?
5 Days
If we choose to follow Christ, we’re engaged in spiritual warfare. It’s unseen and often undetected, but just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent. Our spiritual enemy desires to disrupt our lives so we’ll live miserably. In this 5-day Plan, learn how to find victory by relying on God’s strength because it’s available. We just have to begin using it.
![Can I Really Overcome Sin and Temptation?](/_next/image?
Can I Really Overcome Sin and Temptation?
5 Days
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I still wrestling with that sin?” Even the apostle Paul said as much in Romans 7:15: “I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” How do we stop sin from stopping our spiritual lives? Is it even possible? Let’s discuss sin, temptation, Satan, and, thankfully, God’s love.
![The Armor of God](/_next/image?
The Armor of God
5 Days
Every day, an invisible war rages around you—unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your dreams, your destiny. His battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.
![Living Changed: At Christmas](/_next/image?
Living Changed: At Christmas
5 Days
In all the holiday hustle and bustle, it can be easy to lose sight of why we’re celebrating. In this 5-day advent plan, we’ll dive into the promises fulfilled by the birth of Jesus and the hope we have for the future. As we learn more about who God is, we’ll discover how to live through the holiday season with hope, faith, joy, and peace.
![El Origen De La Fuerza](/_next/image?
El Origen De La Fuerza
5 Dias
Mantenernos fuertes en medio de todos los desafíos que se nos presentan no es tarea fácil. Hay momentos en los necesitamos fuerzas para levantarnos y no contamos con ellas humanamente. Las fuerzas espirituales son la base de todas las fuerzas y son la fuente de la cual se recargan las fuerzas físicas y emocionales. Si necesitás fuerzas, este plan de lectura te ayudará a encontrarlas.
![Living Changed: Embracing Identity](/_next/image?
Living Changed: Embracing Identity
6 Days
With so many voices telling us who to be, it’s no wonder we struggle with where to place our identity. God doesn’t want us to be defined by our career, marital status, or mistakes. He wants His opinion to be the highest authority in our lives. This six-day plan will help you internalize what the Bible says about who you are and truly embrace your identity in Christ.
![Conoce Quien Eres en Cristo - Descubriendo Tu Identidad Espiritual](/_next/image?
Conoce Quien Eres en Cristo - Descubriendo Tu Identidad Espiritual
6 dias
Los cristianos tenemos una nueva identidad, una identidad espiritual en Cristo que cambia la vida. Es un regalo de Dios que puedes abrir en el momento en que lo aceptas, y viene con muchas promesas hermosas. Si eres nuevo en Cristo, este plan es para ti, y si eres un cristiano de largo recorrido, recordarás quién eres en Cristo. Conozcamos al NUEVO TU! ¡Bonus en el sexto día!
![Cómo Liberarse De La Culpa](/_next/image?
Cómo Liberarse De La Culpa
6 Dias
Los cristianos a menudo luchamos con una conciencia culpable debido a nuestra naturaleza pecaminosa. Este devocional ayuda a los creyentes a comprender la seguridad de su salvación, el perdón bíblico y la diferencia entre el remordimiento que viene de Dios y la condenación satánica. También habla de cómo pedir ayuda cuando se tiene una gran carga de culpa. Este estudio muestra cómo vivir una vida en Cristo victoriosa y libre.
![Líderes como Cristo](/_next/image?
Líderes como Cristo
6 Dias
Explore las cualidades de los líderes como Cristo que influyen en iglesias y en diversos sectores de la sociedad. Adéntrese en temas de amor, dirección guiada por el Espíritu y la batalla entre el vicio y la virtud. Crezca en liderazgo y fe mientras abraza la transformación para ser un líder que refleje a Cristo marcado por la humildad, la integridad y la sencillez.
![Small Groups, Huge Growth](/_next/image?
Small Groups, Huge Growth
7 Days
Churches call them small groups, cell groups, and LifeGroups. Names aside, they exist to create meaningful relationships amongst Christ followers. But why? Are these the people we navigate our mostly comfortable Christian lives with, or is there something more? This Bible plan, by the Life.Church LifeGroups team, is for anyone who thinks God can use their small group to cause massive growth.
![7 Stages Of Grief After Miscarriage](/_next/image?
7 Stages Of Grief After Miscarriage
7 Days
The heartache that follows a miscarriage has the potential to draw us closer to God or away from Him. Our enemy, Satan, wants to take our raw emotions and lure us as far from God as he possibly can. Only God can offer the peace and healing our hearts desire. This plan will identify the seven stages of grief and guide women to find true healing within God’s Word.
7 Days
It’s all in your head. But what if that’s a good thing? Our thoughts are more than a reaction to what’s happening in our lives—they’re a powerful force for shaping who we are and who we can become. Learn from everyday people like you how you can use the powerful truth of Romans 12:2 to unleash the mastermind inside you.
![Relationship Goals](/_next/image?
Relationship Goals
7 Days
That perfect relationship you admire one image at a time may not be so picturesque in real life. Right? So, what kind of relationship goals actually work? This Life.Church Bible Plan, written by people ranging from long-married, to single, to newlyweds, will point to the kind of love God can offer for all our relationships.
![[Serie El sol] Dios pelea por nosotros](/_next/image?
[Serie El sol] Dios pelea por nosotros
7 dias
Sin importar qué batalla estés enfrentado, debes saber que el rostro del Señor está sobre ti. Busca el consejo de Dios y confía en sus tiempos. En su gracia, Él lucha por nosotros.
![Jesus: Our Banner of Victory](/_next/image?
Jesus: Our Banner of Victory
7 Days
When we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the greatest triumph in history. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He forever defeated the power of sin and the grave, and all their resulting side effects, and He chose to share that victory with us. This Easter week, let’s dive into some of the strongholds He conquered, reflect on the fight He fought for us, and praise Him as our Banner of Victory.
![The Grudge](/_next/image?
The Grudge
7 Days
It weighs you down. It keeps people out. It’s heavy and painful—it’s the grudge. Many of us may not realize it, but we’re carrying grudges that need to come out of darkness and into the light. Learn how you can find freedom through forgiveness in this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, The Grudge.
![Living Lust Free – A 7 Day Journey](/_next/image?
Living Lust Free – A 7 Day Journey
7 Days
Living Lust-Free is our birthright as Christians. The secular world we live in calls on us to lust daily. God calls us to live a life of sexual integrity - free from lust and sexual sin. This devotional is an invitation for you to start a lust-free lifestyle. You will be equipped with biblical principles that can help you fight and be free from the temptations of lust.
![Live No Lies](/_next/image?
Live No Lies
7 Days
Do you find yourself exhausted looking through your newsfeed lately because you feel torn between the ideologies of our time? John Mark Comer encourages us to follow Jesus in an age of increasingly hostile secularism while keeping our hearts tender and open. Finding spiritual renewal in our day starts with recognizing the inner conflict between the lies we live and the truth that brings the peace we long for.
![Gobernando Bien Tu Casa](/_next/image?
Gobernando Bien Tu Casa
7 Dias
Gobernar bien tu casa no solo es una responsabilidad, sino un llamado a reflejar el amor, la gracia y la verdad de Dios en cada aspecto de tu vida familiar. Este devocional te llevará a explorar principios prácticos y bíblicos que transformarán tu hogar en un testimonio vivo del evangelio. Este devocional está diseñado para equiparte con principios bíblicos sólidos para liderar y transformar tu hogar, haciendo de él un reflejo del amor de Cristo.
![Scaling Leadership with Biblical Wisdom](/_next/image?
Scaling Leadership with Biblical Wisdom
8 Days
Scaling our leadership is critical today. We must enlarge, magnify, maximize, and grow our leadership capacity to navigate our ever-changing environment. Rapidly evolving technology, changing employee/team dynamics, and shifting economics are just some of the issues we encounter. But don't think scaling our leadership is just for the workplace. We must scale our leadership at home and in our relationships. Dive in today to gain practical, relevant leadership insight.