Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con DEUTERONOMIO 31:6

Resiste Hasta El Final
4 Dias
No existe vida alguna que este exenta de problemas y adversidad, todos en algún momento la enfrentaremos y no será agradable. El Salmo 23 no dice "si andas en valle de sombra de muerte..." ¡no!, el Salmo 23 dice: "Cuando andes..." dando por hecho que andaremos. Dios en Su Palabra nos da los elementos para salir de los malos días y las fuerzas necesarias para resistir mientras tanto.

Venciendo La Ansiedad
4 Dias
Creemos que al desarrollar este pequeño Plan en 4 días, Dios te ayudará a salir de esa ansiedad que muchas veces enfrentamos, pero con Fe saldremos venciendo. ¡Que el Señor te Bendiga!

Sitting in Grief: A Devotional Journey Towards Standing Again
5 Days
Pain. Sorrow. Anxiety. Anger. Relief. Numbness. Fear. Joy. The emotions that we feel when going through the grieving process are numerous. In this five-day devotional journey, we'll explore some of the every-day practicalities involved in the grieving process, all while helping to see God as present in a time where that may not be easy to see and feel.

La Protección De Dios
5 Dias
La protección de Dios es un devocional de 5 días desarrollado por Tavo Campos. Este devocional está diseñado para animarte en medio de las batallas, pecados y cambios en tu vida personal, para enseñarte que siempre tendrás el cuidado y la protección de Dios.

Start With Prayer 7-Day Challenge
7 Days
The Start with Prayer 7-Day Challenge will encourage you to spark heartfelt conversations with God. Throughout the week, Max Lucado will encourage you to pray prayers of praise, remind God of his promises, and come boldly before the King of Kings. Each day of the challenge includes a reflection from Max, a relevant Scripture passage, and thoughtful prayer.

Cómo Aplicar Las Escrituras Adecuadamente
7 Dias
Dios nos dio su Palabra, no sólo para que la conozcamos, sino para que la vivamos. Debemos escuchar las Escrituras primero en su contexto y entorno apropiados para entender su significado. Una vez que entendemos el significado original, podemos aplicarlo a diferentes situaciones de nuestra vida. Adoramos a Dios cuando aplicamos los principios que Él nos da en su Palabra y Él nos bendice por ello.

Vive con Fuerza y Coraje
8 Dias
Nunca estás solo. Ya sea que tengas 1 día o 30 años en tu fe cristiana, esta verdad se mantiene firme por sobre todo reto planteado por la vida Aprende cómo aceptar la ayuda de Dios de manera efectiva en este plan. Tomado del libro, "Fuera de este mundo: Una guía cristiana para el crecimiento y el propósito" por David J. Swandt

All Who Are Weary: God Is With Me
8 Days
This is week one in a seven-week series that walks you through the struggles of anxiety while holding to biblical truth and God’s promises. This eight-day plan provides encouragement and practical application to align your heart and mind with the love of Jesus in the midst of anxiety. This week’s promise: God is with me.

Thrive. A 14-Day Devotional for Singles
14 Days
Despite what many people think, singleness is not a disease. It’s not the lesser option. Singleness is God’s gift to you today. In Thrive, Lina AbuJamra – who has been single for over 50 years – will show you how you can make a difference with your life right now instead of sitting around waiting for something to happen to you. If you’re ready to figure out what God has to say about singleness instead of relying on your own feelings and conclusions, this plan is for you.

14 Days
It's time to leave fear behind, move forward in faith, and embrace the adventure. Through this 14-day reading plan, you will strengthen your faith in a good God and learn to live in the joyful freedom of complete trust in Him even in the face of unexpected circumstances.

21 Ways To Thrive By 45
21 Days
More than a detox, every woman can take intentional steps to be the image bearer God uniquely intended her to be. Each day of this 21-day plan we'll address hang-ups and choose new habits that invite our souls to thrive. No matter if you’re a woman in your 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s, there’s ample supply of God’s goodness, understanding, and restoration to flourish in your season of life.

Living a Life That Honors God
23 Days
In the apostle Peter's first letter to Christians, he discusses the right attitude toward other people, the position of husband and wife within marriage, and dealing with suffering. This reading plan covers chapters 2 and 3 of Peter’s letter.

Divorce To Healing: 31 Days Of Healing And Wholeness
31 Days
God is the only answer for complete healing and wholeness, especially when it comes to divorce. Through this plan you will draw closer to God while gaining wisdom on how to handle your emotions and feelings during this most difficult time. Choosing to repeat the 31 days will reveal your progress while God continues to bind the wounds and give you greater closure.