Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con COLOSENSES 3:13
Restauración De Un Matrimonio Roto
3 Dias
El perdón es real. El Señor no solo puede restaurar, sino que realmente puede hacer que tu matrimonio sea mejor de lo que nunca ha sido. Él es capaz de hacer eso. En este plan, ofrecemos una verdad bíblica correcta que te ayudará si estás enfrentando desafíos en tu matrimonio.
Love and Marriage
5 Days
By focusing on our marriage within the context of Scripture, we give God the opportunity to reveal new insights about our relationship and strengthen our bond. This Plan features a focused passage of Scripture and quick thoughts each day to initiate discussion and prayer with your spouse. This five-day plan is a short-term commitment to help you invest in your lifelong relationship. For more content, check out
Experiencing God's Renewal
5 Days
Being a new creation in Christ means that we are being constantly renewed through Him. God renews our hearts, minds, and body. He even renews our purpose. During this 5-day Bible Plan, you will dive deeper into what God's Word says about renewal. Each day, you will get a Bible reading and a brief devotional that will help reflect on the different ways we experience God's renewal. For more content, check out
5 Dias
Este devocional de 5 días es una pincelada de la verdadera y única esencia de la Iglesia. La misión de la Ekklesía es la expansión, la multiplicación, el mensaje del Evangelio esparcido por todo el mundo. Para ello es fundamental la esencia de ésta, que es Cristo mismo.
Wisdom for Mental Health
5 Days
If you feel overwhelmed by your mental health, you’re not alone. Mental health challenges can feel chaotic. One day you may feel fine, but then you wake up the next day feeling anxious, depressed, or burned out. This 5-day Plan can help you find hope, healing, and peace through wisdom from Scripture.
Perdonar Duele
5 Dias
"Perdonar duele" es un devocional de 5 días desarrollado por el Pastor Tavo Campos. Este devocional está diseñado para aprender la importancia del perdón.
Marriage Crisis
6 days
Most of us know marriage won’t always be a honeymoon, but no one plans for a marriage crisis. Sadly, deep wounds, affairs, addiction, and divorce threaten so many marriages. But there’s good news: no matter what crisis you face, there’s still hope in Christ. Want more of that? Start this hope-filled Bible Plan by
El Amor que Gana Batallas
6 Dias
Muchas veces, en el amor nos encontramos en una lucha que nos desanima. Poner a Dios en medio de nuestra relación es el primer paso para que todo salga bien. En este plan devocional encontrarás seis consejos prácticos para fortalecer la relación con tu pareja dándole a Dios un lugar en tu corazón y en el día a día.
Living Changed: As a Single Mom
6 Days
The job of a single mom is tough and sometimes lonely, but it’s also the most important role you’ll ever play. The truth is, God has chosen and equipped you to lead your family. In this six-day plan, you will discover resources and scripture to heal from your past, be encouraged in your present, and find hope for your future.
Claves Para Un Matrimonio Exitoso
6 Dias
La mayoría de las luchas que tenemos en los matrimonios, no se deben a la falta de información. Se deben a la falta de obediencia a lo que ya sabemos. En este plan, ofrecemos una verdad bíblica que te ayudará a tener un matrimonio exitoso.
7 Laws Of Love
7 Days
Love well, and you’ll bring health and healing to every relationship. Pastor Dave Willis shares the “7 Laws of Love” found in Scripture and offers practical advice for putting love into action. As you better understand and put love into practice, you’ll experience the beauty of real love in new and profound ways.
Forgiving Those Who Wound Us
7 Days
Whether we suffer emotional or physical wounds, forgiveness is the cornerstone of the Christian life. Jesus Christ experience all kinds of unfair and unjust treatment, even to the point of a wrongful death. Yet in his final hour, he forgave the mocking thief on the other cross and his executioners.
Divorce To Healing: Survive And Thrive
7 Days
During divorce and other extremely difficult times, there comes a moment when you will wonder if you will ever make it. Over the next 7 days, you will be able to connect with God through prayers, advice, and action plans. Learn to not just survive, but survive and thrive.
Colosenses: La Vida en Cristo
7 Dias
En este estudio, veremos la carta que el apóstol Pablo escribió a los cristianos en la ciudad de Colosa. Esta carta es una bella descripción de cómo es la vida en Cristo. Es una serie de enseñanzas muy útiles para los cristianos de hoy día.
¡Ayuda! ¡Necesito cambiar mi vida!
7 Días
¿Estás enfrentando una situación en tu vida en la que sientes que “ESTO TIENE QUE CAMBIAR”? ¿Crees que puedes cambiar tu vida? No tienes que quedarte donde estás porque Dios puede traer cambio a tu vida y sacar lo mejor de ti. Brian Houston te muestra cómo, al explicarte paso a paso desde cómo empezar hasta cómo dejar que tus convicciones te empoderen para cambiar.
7 Días Para Aprender A Perdonar.
7 Dias
En ocasiones nos sentimos tan heridos que nos resulta imposible perdonar a los demás, y eso se convierte en un problema que nos afecta en lo más profundo de nuestro ser. Sin embargo, ¡puedes aprender a perdonar! Te propongo este plan de lectura de 7 días, en el cual compartiré contigo claves que te ayudarán a liberar el perdón y ser libre de esa carga. ¿Estás preparado(a)? Tu vida va a cambiar.
Radical Wisdom: A 7-Day Journey For Fathers
7 Days
It’s crazy how much our dads shape us. No one escapes the power and influence of their earthly father. And since most men feel unprepared to be fathers, it’s essential to seek guidance – from Scripture and from other dads. Radical Wisdom is a journey toward wisdom and insight for fathers, combining principles and wisdom from Scripture with the experience of an older, wiser dad who’s learned from his mistakes.
Colossians Explained | How to Follow Jesus
7 Days
When the Bible is confusing, Through the Word explains it with clear, concise audio guides for every chapter. Here in Colossians, Kris Langham guides us as we learn who Jesus is and how to follow Him today. We’ll also get great insight on God’s directions for marriage and work, and what it means to be remade in His image. Plus the Bible’s antidote to weird Christianity! Welcome to Colossians Explained.
Grandes Héroes De La Fe - Jacob
7 Dias
Jacob, el astuto, seductor y mañoso nieto de Abraham, fue sometido por las dificultades de la vida en el horno del quebrantamiento por el Espíritu Santo con el fin de forjar a Cristo en él. Su vida es el reflejo de la maravillosa obra que el Espíritu Santo opera en nuestro interior con el fin de cambiar nuestra vieja naturaleza pecaminosa y corrompida AC, en un verdadero creyente DC.
7 Days
We are going to find what it means to live for Jesus in a distracted world. This world is running at a hundred miles per hour, and we have more information in our hands than we can handle. Is that the nature of this modern world? How do we slow down in such a fast-paced environment? Psalm 27:4 has the answer – ONE THING, with Ps Andrew Cartledge.
Todo Nuevo
7 Dias
En estas fechas tan importantes y memorables para todo creyente, es importantísimo mirar a la cruz, mirar a Jesús, mirar lo que su Palabra tiene que hablar a nuestro corazón y mente. Medita con nosotros durante los próximos siete días en las palabras de Jesús: "El que estaba sentado en el trono dijo: «Mira, yo hago nuevas todas las cosas»".
Liderando a Pesar De los Traumas
7 Dias
Los traumas pueden afectar tu desarrollo personal e interrelacional. Si estás liderando con traumas, en este plan de lectura aprenderás a llevar tu dolor a los pies de Jesús.
What Is My Purpose? Learning to Love God and Love Others
7 Days
Explore your purpose as a follower of Jesus: to love God and love others. Over seven days, we will unpack the themes of personal worship, transformation, compassion, service, and justice. Each session starts with a prayer to help you focus on the day’s theme, a passage or two from scripture, a thought from a theological perspective, and ways to apply and respond to the reading.
Scaling Leadership with Biblical Wisdom
8 Days
Scaling our leadership is critical today. We must enlarge, magnify, maximize, and grow our leadership capacity to navigate our ever-changing environment. Rapidly evolving technology, changing employee/team dynamics, and shifting economics are just some of the issues we encounter. But don't think scaling our leadership is just for the workplace. We must scale our leadership at home and in our relationships. Dive in today to gain practical, relevant leadership insight.