Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con 1 PEDRO 3:8
The Antidote To Loneliness
3 Days
We learn some important lessons when we walk alongside other people. We learn how to get along and cooperate with others. Everybody has a longing for belonging, because God made us for relationships. When we walk alongside other Christians in community, we find that longing satisfied.
5 Days
This Life.Church Bible Plan is a study of 1 Peter to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Different. In this world, you’ll have struggles. You’ll face opposition. You’ll be challenged. And there’s a reason for that: this world is not your home. So answer hate with love, find joy in the midst of trials, and rely on a strength beyond yourself. You’re meant to be … different .
How To Help Your Millennial Return To Faith
6 Days
Abandoned faith is a painfully deep and prevalent problem among millennials. Even those who grew up in strong Christian families are walking away from their faith. Expert apologist authors Alex McFarland and Jason Jimenez address this new reality with compassion to parents who feel burdened and alone. They share statistics, stories, and practical ways parents can impact their children, and help you lead them home.
Be a Game Changer
6 Days
A game changer totally reshapes the direction of a game. Jesus was a game changer for a lost world. And guess what? You can be a game changer for someone else by telling them what Jesus did for you. Evangelism is a big word with big responsibility, but it’s actually very simple. This Bible Plan will help preteens understand how to share the Gospel with gentleness and respect.
Ya No Amo a Mi Cónyuge
6 Dias
El matrimonio, una relación hermosa. Sin embargo, también puede ser un compromiso difícil de mantener en la sociedad actual. Muchos cristianos luchan con el concepto de matrimonio en una cultura llena de divorcios e infidelidad. Este devocional pretende ayudar a los cristianos a ver el matrimonio desde la perspectiva de Dios. Una vez que se toma la perspectiva adecuada, el matrimonio puede ser un compromiso con felicidad de por vida.
La Fuente de la Vida - Escolteu el llibre d’1 Pere
15 dias
Si estás sufriendo por Jesús, entonces esta primera carta de Pedro te anima a seguir los pasos de Jesús, quien sufrió por nosotros primero. Viaja diariamente a través de 1 Pedro mientras escuchas el estudio en audio y lees versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.
Living a Life That Honors God
23 Days
In the apostle Peter's first letter to Christians, he discusses the right attitude toward other people, the position of husband and wife within marriage, and dealing with suffering. This reading plan covers chapters 2 and 3 of Peter’s letter.
Better Together
24 Days
There’s no way you can be all God wants you to be and fulfill the purposes that you were put on this planet to fulfill without any help. We need each other, and we belong to each other in the Body of Christ! In this series, Pastor Rick explains how to do life in relationship to other people.
Rapsodia de Realidades (Noviembre de 2018)
30 Dias
¡Hurra! Tu devocional favorito Rapsodia de Realidades ya está disponible en 1,000 idiomas, y seguimos sumando. Confiamos en que la edición de 2018 del devocional contribuya a mejorar tu crecimiento y desarrollo espiritual, así como a posicionarte para el éxito a lo largo del año. Te invitamos a que disfrutes de la gloriosa presencia y victoria de Dios a lo largo de todo el año, por medio de las dosis diarias de la Palabra. ¡Os queremos! ¡Que Dios os bendiga!