Choose Life: Readings For Radical DisciplesSample

Worry or Trust?
Worry has been described as the interest we pay on tomorrow’s troubles, and it severely curtails the extent to which we can act out our dreams and maximize our lives for Jesus.
A widow was telling her story to a reporter about how she had managed to raise a huge family, which included six of her own and another twelve adopted children. Not only did they grow up into fine young men and women, but she had retained her own sanity and spirit through several tiring decades. Answering his question as to the secret of her success, she replied, “I managed so well because I’m in partnership!” The reporter was confused by her answer, and asked, “I don’t understand. Please explain what you mean.” The woman replied: “Many years ago I said, ‘Lord, I’ll do the work and you do the worrying.’ And I haven’t had an anxious care since.”
Worrying seldom helps. For each one of us, we can be certain that God’s call will never take us where his grace won’t keep us. Be it in the workplace or with family, we acknowledge the Lord’s control and right to do with us as he wills. We trust his character and constancy. For my wife and I, taking our three little kids to Africa, where the quality of healthcare can be inferior, takes trust that God will watch over them. For you there will be other issues, but our verse today shows us how to deal with all our potential worries. Obey verse 6, and then acknowledge verse 7- that peace is truly priceless.
Lord, thank you that I can bring all my worries to you… I hand them over to you, and I receive your transcending peace for today. Amen!
About this Plan

Choose Life invites you to start of a 10 day journey of making wise choices. These short readings are filled with truth and humor, quotes and wisdom, guiding you, the reader, into weeks of intentional decision making. Who will you follow when times get tough? Where will you turn when things don’t work out? May we all, wherever we find ourselves, choose to love God and love people with all that we’ve got, living life to the full as we follow unashamedly in the footsteps of the risen Jesus Christ.
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