Devotions From City HarborSample

Devotional by Robby Earle
You are the center of everything, and You are moving inside of me. You are the heartbeat.
When we take up the call to follow Jesus, everything changes. The very fiber of our being is permanently altered.
To see the world through the eyes of Jesus is to see an altogether different place. It is to receive an entirely new occupation. We now act as tributaries of the Great River that is Christ. We now have the privilege and responsibility of living a life rooted in our Creator and Savior.
And what an amazing thing!
Because there is no life outside of Him. Any attempt to make this about us results only in a pale shadow of existence. But, by grace, we have not been left to our own devices. We are not doomed to isolation and despair. We have been saved by Christ and filled with His Holy Spirit.
"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” - 2 Corinthians 4:6
Through Christ, we are now free to enter into all that we were once barred from. No longer are we condemned to a life of selfishness. In Him, we can love truly and fully and unceasingly. No longer are we left in anxiety and fear. In Him, we have everlasting peace and an immovable foundation. No longer are we lost in the confusion of the dark. In Him, we have a high and glorious purpose.
Christ is the center of all creation. The whole universe flows by His will. Yet, He seeks friendship with each and every one of us. Once we realize this, we can relinquish the burden of control and begin living as we were designed. We can focus all our energy on knowing Him, listening to His voice, and letting Him be the heartbeat of who we are.
About this Plan

Molly Reed and Robby Earle of the band City Harbor give an in-depth look at the stories and verses that inspired the songs off their debut album. City Harbor has a heart for offering hope to a world where sorrow and pain color so many people's stories. They hope that, through these devotionals, you will find rest and know peace in Jesus.