Kenneth Copeland Ministries: Pursuit Of His PresenceSample

God Has More Than Enough!
by Gloria Copeland
“My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
Do you remember the elder brother in the story of the prodigal son? His younger brother had asked for his share of the inheritance, so the boys’ father divided his estate between them. The younger brother ran off and squandered his share of the estate on a sinful lifestyle. The elder brother stayed home and faithfully served his father. When the younger brother repented and returned home, asking only to be treated as a servant in his father’s house, the father received him with open arms. He killed a calf for him so they could celebrate with a feast because he had come home. He put a robe on his back and a ring on his finger.
The older brother was furious and pointed out to his father that he’d always been faithful to serve him and that the father had never killed a fatted calf for him!
The father’s answer to him is very important to us. We need to consider it very carefully: “Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine” (Luke 15:31). The father had divided his estate between his two boys. Therefore, after the younger brother had taken his goods and departed, everything that was left belonged to the elder son. Everything! He could have eaten a fatted calf every day if he’d wanted. Every animal on the estate belonged to him, but he didn’t take advantage of his inheritance!
A multitude of Christians are going to find themselves in the same situation when they get to heaven. They’re going to find out after they get there what belonged to them down here. They’re going to realize too late that they were cheated and swindled out of their earthly inheritance by religious tradition.
They’re going to find out that God has always wanted His people to live in abundance, and all He has is ours. He put every good thing in this earth for His family. He didn’t put riches here for the devil and his family. He put them here for us. God wants you to live in a good house. He wants you to have the car you need. He wants you to be so blessed you don’t even have to think about those things. He wants you to be able to think about Him instead of thinking about how you’re going to buy your next tank of gas!
Listen, God isn’t anywhere near broke! He has enough wealth to richly supply all of His children. Lack is not His problem. His problem has been getting His people to believe what He says about their prosperity in His Word. His problem has been getting us to be kingdom-of-God-minded in our finances.
So go beyond what you can figure out...and just trust Him to do what He has promised. Base your actions, your prayers and your faith on what the Word says, and not your circumstances. Get kingdom-of-God-minded!
Speak the Word
“My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” —Philippians 4:19
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About this Plan

The Copelands know the fight of faith isn’t won overnight. It’s won little by little in the practical territory of everyday life. In this 366 day plan, Pursuit Of His Presence talks about the struggles you face every day...struggles with weariness, irritation, children, finances, even overeating.