Kenneth Copeland Ministries: Pursuit Of His PresenceSample

Put Your Reputation on the Line
by Gloria Copeland
“Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.” Mark 5:19
God is a good God. In most circles, that’s still shocking news. Do you remember what Jesus told the madman from Gadara? After He cast out the demons that had possessed him, Mark 5:19 says Jesus told him to tell his friends the great things the Lord had done for him.
Jesus was concerned about God’s reputation. He wanted it corrected. Everywhere He went He taught people that God was not what they had thought He was. He taught them that God is a good God. And that’s the job He gave us when He left the earth (Mark 16:15).
Mark 5:25-34 tells of a woman with an issue of blood, who put her reputation on the line. It was against the Jewish Law for a woman with an issue of blood to be seen in public. But she risked public humiliation, even arrest, and fought her way through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment.
Why? Because she was more interested in Jesus’ reputation than her own. She knew she couldn’t get healed by staying at home doing what the religious community of her day said she should do. To receive her healing, she had to hang on to Jesus’ reputation—and let go of hers. She wanted healing so desperately and believed in Jesus’ goodness so fully that she was willing to risk it all.
That’s how you have to be if you’re going to see God work miracles in your life. You have to become so confident about how good He is that you’ll dare to lay everything on the line. Choose His reputation over yours every time.
If you’ve been dominated by the rumors Satan has used to smudge God’s reputation, let His message from heaven set you free. It was written 2,000 years ago on a hill called Calvary. It says, “God is good.” And it’s signed in blood, “Jesus.”
Speak the Word
“The Lord does great things for me. He has compassion and mercy on me.” —Mark 5:19
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About this Plan

The Copelands know the fight of faith isn’t won overnight. It’s won little by little in the practical territory of everyday life. In this 366 day plan, Pursuit Of His Presence talks about the struggles you face every day...struggles with weariness, irritation, children, finances, even overeating.