Open UpSample

Where We're Going (Context of Matthew 27)
The incredible story of Jesus’ horrific death and miraculous resurrection has been retold so many times that, if we’re not careful, we might overlook the significance of some of the smaller details of the events that took place between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. This is especially true when considering the moment when Jesus “yielded up his spirit,” choosing to lay down His life for all of humanity.
In the “Open Up” Bible study, we’re going to take a closer look at four things that miraculously “opened” in Matthew 27:50-56 immediately following Jesus' last breath:
Day 1) The Curtain (Access To God’s Presence)
Day 2) The Rocks (God’s Rule Over Creation)
Day 3) The Tombs (God’s Promise Of Resurrection)
Day 4) The Eyes (Hope For God’s People)
Prayerfully, as we dive deeper into this passage together, the Holy Spirit will open up our hearts to the profound implications of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection!
Day 1) The Curtain (Access To God’s Presence)
Why Was The Curtain There?
1) Sin
The structure of the temple was based on the condition of God’s people after sin entered the world in Eden. Genesis 3:24 tells us that God placed cherubim (angels) with a flaming sword at the entrance of the garden to prevent Adam and Eve from reentering. Thousands of years later, when the craftsmen were designing the curtains of the Tabernacle (the mobile version of the temple during the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness), they sewed images of angels onto them (Exodus 36:8). This symbol of separation visually demonstrated the divide between God and humanity that resulted from sin.
2) Mercy
God prevented Adam and Eve from reentering Eden because, if they had eaten from the Tree of Life in their sinful state, they would have lived forever in their sin (Genesis 3:22). Likewise, if anyone other than the High Priest—or if the High Priest himself—entered the Holy of Holies (the room beyond the curtain in the tabernacle and later the temple) in an unclean state, they would immediately die (Leviticus 16:20). The angels in front of Eden and the curtain in front of God’s presence in the temple were acts of mercy, preventing God’s people from facing a terrible fate.
3) Grace
Mercy is not receiving what we do deserve, and grace is receiving what we do not deserve. Not only was God merciful in removing the risk of humanity stumbling into eternal death, but He also made a way for His people to be freed from their sins. Prior to Jesus’ death, this freedom came through the High Priest making specific sacrifices on designated days. However, Jesus, who was both the perfect High Priest and the ultimate sacrifice, died, allowing the curtain to be torn open. There is no longer a barrier between God’s presence and His people. We can now access God simply by trusting in Jesus' finished work on the cross!
Big Idea: The curtain in the temple symbolized the separation between God and humanity caused by sin, but it was also an act of mercy, protecting people from the consequences of entering God's presence in an unclean state. Through Jesus' death, the curtain was torn open, demonstrating God's grace by providing direct access to Him for all who trust in Christ.
Let’s Think About This:
Question 1) How does the symbolism of the curtain in the temple highlight the ongoing separation between God and humanity caused by sin? What do you think this teaches us about the seriousness of our sins?
Question 2) In what ways does the idea of mercy—such as preventing Adam and Eve from accessing the Tree of Life or keeping unclean individuals out of the Holy of Holies—show God's protective nature? How have you seen evidence of God’s mercy in your own life?
Question 3) Have you ever experienced a divide in a relationship? How did it make you feel? How do you think this relates to the divide between God and humanity when we sinned?
About this Plan

The incredible story of Jesus’ horrific death and miraculous resurrection has been retold so many times that, if we’re not careful, we might overlook the significance of some of the smaller details of the events that took place between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. In the “Open Up” Bible study, we’re going to take a closer look at four things that miraculously “opened” in Matthew 27:50-56 immediately following Jesus' last breath. Prayerfully, as we dive deeper into this passage together, the Holy Spirit will open up our hearts to the profound implications of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection!
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