Pray for MENACA: An Intercession Guide for Unreached NationsSample

Libya (North Africa)
Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
Matthew 9:37-38 NKJV
Once boasting oil reserves and considerable wealth, Libya now struggles with widespread poverty. The death of dictator Gaddafi during the Arab Spring in 2011 unleashed a wave of conflict that shattered hopes for a democratic state in this nation of 7,100,000 people. Instead, the conflict plunged Egypt into further turmoil and control by the Islamic State.
Foreigners are legally permitted to practice their faith, but sharing the Gospel with Libyans is strictly prohibited, resulting in arrest and the forced expulsion of missionaries. The 2015 execution of twenty-one Christians by Islamists further intensified the exodus of believers from the country.
Despite the challenges, there are Libyans who aspire to return and spread the Good News of the Lord Jesus. In particular, believers from Egypt and Tunisia have taken on the mantle of returning and bringing the Gospel to this nation in need.
Prayer Points to Consider:
- Ask for God’s continued work to reach the many far from Him in Libya. Request that dynamic Holy Spirit encounters through dreams, visions, and with believers becomes the norm and the power of His Word will be made available to those who are seeking.
- Pray for Libyan Christians to be encouraged in their faith, clearly hearing God’s voice and through His Word. May they be physically, emotionally, and mentally strengthened and healed to be lights in the darkness.
- Ask the Lord to use the loss of material riches in the nation to cause those who don’t yet know Jesus to hunger and thirst for His true riches.
- Pray for the current provisional government and the nation’s stability so that doors for the Gospel can be supernaturally opened, and God’s work be released in Libya without hindrance, binding the adversary in Jesus’ Almighty Name.
- Ask for the numerical and spiritual growth of the underground church, that discipleship continues, and Book of Acts living becomes even more a reality.
Dear Lord Jesus...I praise You today for your provision and protection of believers in Libya! I thank You for being present in this land, requesting that You move miraculously to reach the lost. I pray for justice and release for those imprisoned for their faith and for Your profound presence to encourage them. I ask that other believers not be hindered in sharing the Good News so that many will come to know You, rejoicing in their peace and new-found freedom. I pray Your Kingdom come in Libya and for the continued numerical and spiritual growth of Your Church. In Your Matchless Name, King Jesus, I seal this prayer. Amen!
About this Plan

Join us in prayer for MENACA: the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, where millions have yet to hear the message of hope in the Lord Jesus. Your intercession can break strongholds, strengthen believers, and transform entire communities. Be part of this global movement today!
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