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Unhooked: Holy in a Hookup WorldSample

Unhooked: Holy in a Hookup World

DAY 1 OF 40

Week 1: Find Healing

Welcome to week 1 of Unhooked: Holy in a Hookup World. For the next 40 days, you’ll look more deeply at the parts of your heart that need to be healed—so you can break the cycle of a broken heart and thrive in your singleness. While intimate relationships are designed to remind you of God’s love for you, living them out in a fallen world often results in wounds. Spend this week moving closer to Christ in your pursuit of hope and healing.

Day 1: Intimacy


Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. –John 15:5


Complicated. Frustrating. Heartbreaking.

Some dates begin with hope and a dream: to be the bride walking down the aisle or the groom waiting for her. But the goal isn’t just to have a wedding, right? For single Christians, meeting potential dates has intention and meaning. We all desire to love and be loved. We long for a lifelong covenant. We want marriages that magnify God. But what has gotten more of your attention lately: your relationship with Him or your search for a spouse?

The decision to date can be healthy—in fact, you’re designed to be known and loved. You are made to connect with others. But in a hookup world, it’s easy to be so focused on being chosen by a man or woman that you don’t clearly hear your Creator saying what He says to you every day:

“I choose you.”

We are often distracted by a culture captivated by the quest for a fulfilling intimate relationship. But we worship a God who already wants to be in one with you right now.

Unlike some of the men or women you’ve met, He has never walked away. He is totally available for you, totally committed to you, and totally wants you.

This 40-day plan isn’t a no to dating; it’s a yes to His invitation—to establish or deepen a healthy and intimate relationship with a Father who delights in spending time with you.

We challenge you to seek Him. We challenge you to let Him develop that relationship.


Thank You, God, for a chance to take a break from dating and draw closer to You. I am moved by Your goodness and grateful that Your love, presence, and providence are constant. I’m excited to focus on the most important intimate relationship I’ll ever have: ours. I love You.


Where have you been searching for intimacy? Have you found it there? List three things you can do to be more intimate with God.


Day 2

About this Plan

Unhooked: Holy in a Hookup World

Take 40 days to look more deeply at the parts of your heart that need to be healed—so you can break the cycle of a broken heart and thrive in your singleness. While intimate relationships are designed to remind you of God’s love for you, living them out in a fallen world often results in wounds. This plan will help you move closer to Christ, in your pursuit of hope and healing.
