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Killing Lust: Overcoming the 6 Roots of a Porn or Sex AddictionSample

Killing Lust: Overcoming the 6 Roots of a Porn or Sex Addiction

DAY 1 OF 7

Root 1: A Sexualized Society

Sexual temptation is everywhere.

Messages and images promoting sexual immorality surround us—on social media, in ads, movies, and even children’s shows.

What used to be considered explicit is now mainstream, accessible to anyone with a device.

Today, 61% of Netflix’s content is rated mature, and half of Americans believe pornography is morally acceptable​​.

On top of this, the Barna’s Group 2024 survey found that more than 3 out of 4 practicing Christian men ,and more than 1 out of 3 practicing Christian women, watch porn. It is even higher for the younger generations in the church!

This constant exposure and complacency shapes our desires, pressures us to conform, and distorts God’s design for sexuality​​. We learn to deny, minimize, and rationalize the impurity in our life.

Lies We Believe as a Result:

  • Sexual satisfaction and fulfillment are found outside of God’s design.
  • I will miss out if I pursue holiness.
  • I'm just looking, so it's ok.

The Truth from Scripture:

  • The enemies’ lies keep us from the abundant life in Christ (John 10:10).
  • Holiness is God’s best and His will for His children (1 Peter 1:13-17).
  • I need to be radical in cutting off visual lust (Matthew 5:27-30).

Questions to Reflect On:

Take a few minutes to think about each question below and write down your answers.

  1. Are there specific locations like your room, gym, or social media platforms, where temptation feels strongest?
  2. Are there shows, music, or social media accounts that spark sexual thoughts or fantasies?
  3. Where am I choosing to flirt with sexual immorality instead of fleeing it like we are commanded in 1 Cor. 6:18?

Application Steps:

1. Commit to Detox:

  • Begin a detox period to reset your brain and break free from the cycle of lust. Detox means avoiding all sexual temptations, including porn, masturbation, and other unwanted sexual behaviors. Aim for a 30-day detox and take it one day at a time. If you need help with this, take our free 30-day challenge.

2. Strategically Address Triggers:

  • Use the answers to the questions above to identify your unique triggers and set up boundaries.
    • Avoid specific places or situations that invite temptation (ie. don’t get into bed with your phone, etc).
    • Replace harmful media with uplifting content (ie. a daily devotional, listen to a sermon, etc).
    • Change routines that lead to acting out, such as keeping your phone out of the bedroom or staying off social media at night.

3. Memorize Scripture:

  • Memorize some of the Bible verses in this lesson to deepen your desire for and your commitment to holiness. This will help you identify the enemy’s lies that you are missing out when you pursue holiness.
Day 2

About this Plan

Killing Lust: Overcoming the 6 Roots of a Porn or Sex Addiction

John Owen summarized Romans 8:13 when he said, “Be killing sin or it will be killing you”. This has never been more true than with the sin of lust. While God can and sometimes does bring instant deliverance from a porn or sex addiction, for most, lasting freedom requires growth in key areas of life that address the roots of their addiction. Over the next seven days, you’ll explore each root of a porn and sex addiction, uncover the lies it plants, replace them with the Truth of Scripture, and learn practical steps to uproot these strongholds for good.
