For the Least of TheseSample

Day Five: Who Are You Helping?
If Jesus came to earth to reveal the Father and help us experience heaven on earth, some good questions to ask are:
- Am I experiencing heaven on earth?
- Who am I helping experience heaven on earth?
Being a Christian should eventually change everything about me. No matter how far from Christ I was, I should slowly become more like Jesus. His love should affect my attitude and character. For God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done in my life would allow me to experience something of heaven here on earth.
Knowing Jesus in this personal way would empower me to bring the kingdom of heaven to others too.
There’s this one time Jesus calls a fishman to be his disciple. Seems logical at first sight, except that every Jewish boy wanted to be a disciple. But you could only be accepted if you were able to recite the whole book of Leviticus from memory at age 6. If you failed to recite the whole book you would be sent back to be in your father’s trade and not be a disciple. When Jesus called a fisherman to be His disciple, He was calling someone who failed school.
Another time Jesus saves the dignity of a family business that runs out of wine at a wedding. (John 2)
What about the time Jesus heals the daughter of a Roman Centurion soldier? When the Romans were the enemy. (Luke 7)
Or the time He saves a prostitute from capital punishment. (John 8)
As we read the story of the sheep and the goats one last time today, the message is clear. It all comes down to what we do or do not do for those who are poor, marginalised and vulnerable.
Let’s pray that God opens our eyes to see the need all around us. That He inspires us to get involved with people who have been subjected to more humble circumstances than us. That because of where we go and what we do, heaven would come to the least of these. Amen.
Q: What is Jesus nudging or prompting me to do? Is there anything He might like me to change in my life at this time?
About this Plan

God wants us to experience heaven before leaving earth. When Jesus talks about the sheep and the goats, we don’t get a leave pass because we are Christians. This short plan from Joel A’Bell looks at what it means to live like Jesus.