Collegiate Day of Prayer Global: 40-Day Prayer GuideSample

Day 27: Sold-Out, Walking Revivals
By Wayne Atcheson (Wayne is the senior ambassador and historian of the Billy Graham Library and Archive Center and the author of The Asbury Revival: When God Used Students to Wake a Nation.)
Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.
—Philippians 1:6
The impact of the 1970 Asbury Revival continues on 55 years later through the life and ministry of its prayer leader Jeannine Brabon. As a freshman in 1967 at Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky, God spoke to Jeannine that the campus needed revival, so she solicited the names of the 1,100 students, faculty, and staff—and started praying.
Along the way, she identified 36 students who engaged in the “John Wesley Great Experience” disciplines. They not only prayed and believed, but they expected Jesus to come—and He did in a chapel service in Hughes Auditorium on February 3, 1970. As it snowed outside, they prayed not for revival but that Jesus would come. And He came in all His glory! For seven days and nights, God took over the campus. The revival then spread to 130 colleges, seminaries, and churches across America where students traveled to share their stories. It was one of the greatest campus revivals in American history.
As the daughter of missionary parents in South America, Jeannine graduated from Asbury in 1971 and went straight to the mission field in South America for two years, then to Spain for 16 years, and since 1989 has been a missionary in Colombia, South America. Jeannine was emptied of self, surrendered her life completely to God, and is perhaps one of the Kingdom’s greatest soul winners.
Since 2019, she has kept a list of 6,000 people that she has led individually to Christ. She serves in prisons and on the streets in Medellin. One approach she uses is to ask for a person’s name, and then ask, “Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?” She then shares with them the biblical meaning of their names. For instance, “Your name means joy. Would you like to have joy in your heart every day and forever?” Jeannine gives them the pamphlet “How To Walk With Christ” and follows up with a Bible. According to Jeannine, “It is the Holy Spirit that draws people to Christ. You just open your mouth. The Holy Spirit will do supernatural work.”
During the 2023 Asbury outpouring, Jeannine came from South America, walked straight to the altar, and prayed with students and people from across the world. She spent her 75th birthday on September 19, 2024, at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte with me and others who had read her Asbury story in Asbury Revival: When God Used Students to Wake a Nation that I wrote in 2021. Jeannine is a living “Revival Giant.” She says, “If you encounter me, you encounter Jesus.” May we all be walking revivals like Jeannine. She has no plans to retire.
- Father, reveal Your heart to this young generation - Your presence, power, and love visible for all to see!
- Jesus, send another great revival that will touch the college campuses, for the sake of Your name.
- Holy Spirit, raise up a generation of “walking revivals” that will burn with a passion for souls to be saved!
About this Plan

Come join believers worldwide as we pray together for revival and spiritual awakening among college students. Leaders from around the world have contributed to this guide, giving you a tool for inspiration, understanding, and encouragement to fuel your prayers. Unite in prayer with believers from all over the nations for the 40 days leading up to the Collegiate Day of Prayer!
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