Mark Book Study - the StorySample

Zzzzzz, Whew, Zzzzz, Whew…
In the timeline of our tiny lost planet, its most horrifying yet critical pivot point remains a day of slaughter. The Final Sacrificial Lamb. The Perfect One. The Human One. Jesus Christ. From the tributary of Calvary, his blood traced a river to the end of Earth-time. A lively river; with a flawless current intended to usher imperfect humans into the heart of God himself.
But before Calvary, in the hour before Jesus’ arrest, he made a simple request of his closest disciples: Remain alert. Watch and pray. They fell asleep instead, and two more reminders didn’t help.
Hesitate before you criticize these men. Have you ever prayed for a full hour? It’s difficult enough at the best of times. Even harder when you’re terrified and exhausted. Uncertain of all previous certainties. Under the worst possible spiritual attack. Tempted to toss your faith. Not to mention grieving an imminent inevitable loss.
Today in circumstances like that, rather than urge similarly distraught people to stay awake and pray, doctors hastily prescribe sleeping pills and soft music.
Not Jesus. He knew what his faltering followers needed most desperately: a vice-grip on God. Only that would enable them to accomplish the role for which he had discipled them. But while Christ prepared for the terror of the cross with intense prayer and bloody sweat, his closest friends prepared with snores.
Crisis assaults us today. Our world, many pastors and theologians believe, heaves its death pangs. Biblical prophecy points to Christ’s return. How much time remains? One figurative hour? Two? Yet many of his followers sleep, lulled into apathy by an “all will be well” mindset.
Jesus’ question for us today remains: “Are you asleep? Couldn’t you stay alert for one hour? Stay alert and pray so that you won’t give in to temptation. The spirit is eager, but the flesh is weak.”
Respond in Prayer
Father God, your world has become gangrenous; rotting with hatred of the only means of eternal salvation. Yet too many of us who follow Jesus sleep; lulled by the siren songs of comfort, luxury and safety. Forgive us. Wake us to watch, and move us to pray.
Kathleen Gibson
About this Plan

Mark's Gospel is one of the greatest books ever written. You have to read it right through to get the full effect. Mark's vivid descriptions, his accounts of people's emotions, his rhetorical questions all draw us into the story and leave us asking with the disciples, "Who is this man?" Study the Gospel of Mark with theStory Bible reading guide. Discover how Mark's Gospel still speaks to your life today.
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