The GiftSample

We’re now starting the last week of our Plan. We’ve covered two of the gifts that Jesus received at His Birth and what they mean. The last gift we will be looking at is a somewhat odd gift to bring to celebrate the birth of a child. It’s myrrh.
What is myrrh? Myrrh is a perfume and was used to treat a dead body, to stabilize it, and protect it from decay. Myrrh was also mixed in with the wine that was offered to Jesus when He was hanging on the Cross. So myrrh had a lot to do with death, not life and it was an odd gift to bring as a gift to a child who was just born.
However, it was a foreshadowing of Jesus’ Death on the Cross which had been prophesied about, as well as His Resurrection. Even at His Birth, Jesus’ Purpose and Sacrifice to come were evident. The reason for His coming was to live a Perfect Life, to be sacrificed for our sins, and to resurrect three days later.
Jesus came to save us. You may hear this often and read about it in the Bible and think “Well, I don’t need to be saved.” or “What do I need to be saved from?” When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, sin entered the world. From that point forward every person is born sinful and separated from God because of their sin. The punishment for sin is death. This punishment was paid for by Jesus on the Cross, He died for our sins and paid the debt that we owe for Eternity. Yes, we still sin and fall short but we are covered by the Blood of Jesus. Jesus saved us from sin and wants to rescue those who are still lost. Being lost means that you have not placed your trust in Jesus as the Savior of the World. You are wandering the Earth aimlessly with no purpose because you are not in relationship with God. This is what sin does. It separates us from God and being separated from God is not how He created us to live. This is why we need rescue and Jesus’ Sacrifice provides that Salvation for each of us.
This week, we are going to study what life before Jesus looked like, why His Sacrifice was necessary, the Grace and Forgiveness He offers, and what our obedience and worship in response to Jesus looks like. Jesus came to Earth in order to be the Ultimate Sacrifice for us!
About this Plan

In this Study, we will investigate Jesus’ arrival as King, Priest, and Sacrifice. Through studying these roles, we will not only be able to see the true meaning of Christmas, but also have a fuller understanding of the story of the Bible and how God becoming Man and being born as a Baby is Good News for us today!
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