Church & StudentsSample

These verses are like our job description for being workers in God’s kingdom. Paul clearly sets out what is within the remit of our role and what is outside of that remit. He draws from the imagery of the parable of the sower from Matthew 13. As workers in the kingdom, we are to be sowers, scattering the word of God generously. We can plant the seeds, we can nurture and water them, but we cannot make them grow. Only God can do this; we rely on Him to grow the seeds that we plant.
God invites us to partner with him to grow his kingdom. Paul reminds us that we are “co-workers in God’s service”. We do all we can to share the gospel and trust that God will do his part to grow those seeds.
This means two things: firstly, we have the freedom to sow the seeds of the gospel far and wide, knowing that our job is simply to plant. So get out in the field and start scattering! Secondly, as Paul tells us in verse 7, all the glory goes to God. Our service is not about us, but all about Him. We plant and water for Him and the fruit of our work belongs to Him. This means that we aren’t competing with anyone else and we aren’t working to better ourselves or put ourselves on a pedestal - we work with Him and for Him and we give Him all the glory.
Questions: Where is the field that God is calling you to plant in? Are you being generous with the seeds that you are sowing? How can you partner with God and work together to grow his kingdom in your community?
Prayer: God, show me where you want me to plant seeds. Give me the courage to sow generously and the humility to know that the fruit belongs to you. Help me point others away from myself and towards you.
About this Plan

We are in the grip of a slow awakening in the student world as we continue to hear story after story of students coming to know Jesus. This is a story that hasn’t just begun now, it's been unfolding across generations, prayers of those who have sown in tears that God would move powerfully in this nation and the next generation; we are standing on the answered prayers of those faithful intercessors.