Ears to Hear (S3-E7)Sample

Shalom Shalom
The beginning and end of Jesus’ life on earth are marked by the words: “… peace on earth” and “Peace be with you.” Peace. Shalom.
In The Chosen, you see it over and over again. When people enter a home—shalom. When they leave—shalom. When they meet on the road—shalom. During the Sabbath—shalom.
It’s pretty cool, isn’t it? Constantly wishing each other “peace”—Shalom. Shalom doesn’t just mean “peace” as in the absence of conflict. No, Shalom isn’t simply the absence of hatred or strife. Shalom is the presence of Jesus.
How beautiful is that?
Where Jesus is, there is Shalom.
Shalom: perfect peace.
Shalom: wholeness—complete healing.
InThe Chosen, there’s a scene where Peter and Gaius stand together. A confused Jew and a struggling Roman. “Shalom, shalom,” says Peter. “Why do you say it twice?” asks Gaius. “What does it mean?”
Shalom shalom.
Perfect peace.
Complete wholeness.
Peter could use it. So could Gaius. And what about you?
As I write this, I realize I don’t know your situation. Maybe, like Gaius and Peter, you live amid injustice, sorrow, pain, or grief. What does “complete wholeness” mean in such circumstances? What helps then?
Just those two words? Shalom Shalom?
Peter wishes them to Gaius, even while he is struggling himself. Perhaps almost unconsciously. Out of habit.
And yet, those two words aren’t just words. Once again, I may not know you (yet), but the Prince of Peace—the Prince of Shalom—knows you completely. He is near to you and knows exactly what you are going through right now. He wants to walk with you, even when peace feels far away. Even when He feels far away.
So I wish those words to you as well: Shalom Shalom. Perfect peace, complete wholeness. In Jesus’ name. Because He is the Prince of Peace.
Luke’s description of Jesus’ life is framed by the two texts we read today about Shalom. Shalom defined who Jesus was and what He did. It defines who He is and what He does. What an example!
Lord Jesus, let my life today reflect something of who You are as the Prince of Peace.
Shalom Shalom!
Take the following questions with you to reflect on:
- Have you ever experienced Shalom? When? What caused it?
- Are you someone who brings peace—Shalom? Can you name an example?
- How does bringing Shalom depend on your own situation?
Prayer: “Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Shalom. You are the Prince of Peace. You live, and You give life. When You appear, things are made new, and deep peace fills my heart. Lord, sometimes I feel restless and consumed by everything going on: … [name the situation occupying your mind]. Help me to always return to You, no matter what is happening, and to hold on to You. To let myself be guided by You – the Prince of Shalom – and to share Your peace with others, no matter how I feel. Amen.”
About this Plan

This reading plan takes you through some of the themes in the "Ears to Hear" episode of The Chosen TV Series. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.