Emulating Jesus in a Dark WorldSample

Embracing the Characteristics of Jesus
Embracing means " holding closely as a sign of affection and/or accepting and supporting a belief, theory, or change."
It can be difficult to fully embrace the many facets of Jesus's characteristics, but one can certainly strive to obtain and live out as many as humanly possible.
Let's look at how "set apart" He was and His servitude. Jesus was obviously set apart from the rest, and Scripture tells us that those who purpose to live a Godly life, will be set apart from the average population and The Lord "will hear him" when he calls upon God. (Psalm 4:3)
To be set apart is to live a holy and righteous life. It does not make you better than anyone else; it is a striving toward the mark for the prize of God at the end of this life that manifests itself outwardly so that others may see and experience Christ "in" you as you choose to be zealous in good works/word/deeds toward others. Being set apart is a life well-lived as an eternal kingdom testimony so that one might see and hear you and say, "I want what he/she has" and prayerfully, seek to also obtain it as a result of that life of Jesus well-emulated. (Titus 2:14, Deut.14:2, Phil. 3:14)
Jesus was always about The Father's business. So we must also go forward in this manner! Christ put His own wants and needs aside to serve others regularly and continuously. This made Him the most sacrificial person to have ever lived on the face of this Earth (Phil 2:4-5). Scripture tells us four times that "the last shall be first, and the first, shall be last..." There has to be some significant emphasis for us here in those repeats to use as a guideline in our daily living (Matt. 19:30, Matt. 20:16, Luke 13:30, Mark 10:31).
Phil. 2:4- 5 states, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."
We must seek to have the mind of Christ that is obedient unto death in pursuit of His holiness.
What can you do today & beyond to embrace the set-apart servitude life you have not yet done?
About this Plan

We will not be perfected until we see Jesus face-to-face, but we can use God's Word as the instruction manual to continue ushering Jesus into the masses through our daily living. All followers of Jesus are called to emulate Him. Join me on this journey to a righteous life for God that will affect others in the best way amongst this darkened world.